I'm a bit lost. Can I pvp only?

So I took a break after finishing the campaign at the start of the xpac. I’ve returned this week, but I’m still a bit confused. I don’t really feel like trying to figure out where i’m at in the story. Can I pvp/world quest/arena to gear myself if that’s the main thing, or is it still better to gear some through pve.

IF I have to pve do I need continue with the msq where I left off and therefore have to play through a bunch of story lines before I get to where everyone else is?

Thanks for any help.

I don’t know anything about how viable it is to gear through pure PvP; however, if you do want to unlock the Emerald Dream patch zone, I don’t think you need to finish any of the prior patch campaigns to do it.

If you go to that main courtyard area in Valdrakken and Shandris Feathermoon asks to have a word with you, then her questline is the only thing you should have to do to unlock the Emerald Dream intro.

Depends on what you want to do, but it’s entirely viable to just PvP and succeed in that realm. You’ll need flight stones instead of honor to upgrade gear, but you get those from doing anything. I’d also recommend doing weekly quests to make sure you’re getting the new sparks for crafting. We get two free conquest pieces if you do that.

Where the season just started, I’d say you’re well poised to just arena and PvP and have fun.

If you ever wanted to break into M+, a full upgraded set of honor gear wouldn’t be a terrible place to start, but you would want to keep separate sets of gear for maximum damage (fun.)