I'm A Baron Now, Yay!

Dont forget disney and burgerking.

This story I’m reading is from NBC.

What about Burgerking? Please tell me Burgerking isn’t getting cancelled.

This offtopic talk isn’t just offtopic to the thread, it’s offtopic to the whole World of Warcraft forum.

Let’s go back to WoW and the covenant title, please.


They made a tweet women belong in the kitchen then 2 hrs later posted they are expanding employment/schooling options for women in the culinary career dept. 2hrs of mass chaos both sides one repub took it to the floor in the house along with potato head and dr seuss.

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You’re right again, Mortis. I’ll stop with the political tomfoolery.

I’m not short!

She is just too tall! :sob:

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They really did flub this attempt for sure