M-F 2-3 days week 7-10,7-11CST
Would like to find a guild in zul’jin but i’m willing to transfer. CE exp, Progression exp, 99% attendance, come prepared, take constructive criticism up analsarus region, no problem.
I can do better 
This is last parse i found when i was raiding with my old guild before it got disbanded.
Thank You 
Hey H-Town,
Not sure what you’re goal is - but if you’re looking for AOTC clears with a maybe on mythic dabbling, we might be a fit for you. I’ll save the spam, check out my post (but I think times work) [H] Looking for an AoTC Focused Semi-Hardcore Team? Check us out! 8/9H 9/9N
Good luck finding what you’re looking for!
Hey Houstontex would love to speak with you ingame, we have core spots available add me Charlie#13641.
Meters Over Everything are newly formed guild looking to recruit the following classes and roles; Raid times are 8:30-11pm EST Tueday/Friday
Healer Priest ( Any Spec)
Shadow priest
Boomkin, Resto Druid
Shaman Dps/ Resto Shaman
Any Mage specs
Demon Hunter
If you have strong situational awareness, know your class , and enjoy raiding in a friendly environment, then we might be the place for you! Feel free to contact Dojawar (djcipher#1336), Charlie (Charlie#13641).
About us:
Meters over Everything started with a group of IRL friends looking to extend our group through WoW. We all are exceptionally good players that have always raided with the highest preparation possible. We look to help people, but also expect that you know your stuff and come prepared like anyone else. Just remember to have fun this is just a game and not a company or military academy. Attendance is very lenient, let us know you can’t or don’t wanna raid that night is no issue. It’s not a job it’s a game.
Current Guild progression with new roster began 2/8/19, currently have 1/9M 4/9H 6/9N, will start Heroic runs on 2/12. Most of us have at least cleared 3/9H with some having cleared all bosses on Heroic. We will be looking to clear this tier on heroic before next tier release. If this sounds like the type of environment you would like to be part of shoot us a message.
Hello Houstontex,
I am the recruitment officer for Diminishing Returns on Dalaran. We moved to Dalaran after running a raiding guild on Kael’thas for 13 years.
We pride ourselves on stability and a good raid environment. We also do not recruit mass amounts of people for bench, as we do not recruit for bench.
While we understand a two day a week raiding guild is not going to have the same progression rate as a guild running 3 to 4 days a week, we always seem to keep within range of those guiles.
Raid Times: Tuesday and Wednesday 8pm till 11pm est. (6 hrs per week)
Current Progression :
9 of 9 Normal - 7 of 9 Heroic
I prefer to speak with people on discord because it gives both parties a better understanding and gives a chance to actually get to know someone. You can reach me at Geo#1668