Ilvl222 BDK LF Guild

Im generally a very solo oriented player nowadays.
I dont do CN(Theres no gear incentive for me to do so, so i just have no desire).
For PvE i pretty much exclusively do HoA +14 ten times a week.
For guildmates i would be willing to do any HoA or Necrotic Wake +12-19.
My goals in WoW are this: Itemize to perfection as quickly and efficiently as possible>park in Duelotar, hanging out, and further mastering the class.

I am willing to push CR in RBGs, currently 1800CR.
WPvP groups for The Maw questing sounds fun as well.

Mostly looking for socialising.
Oppurtunity to mutually benefit from tanking a guilds HoA keys at an MDI level.
Possible RBGs(Since 2100 rating is the only possible improvement i can make to my toon).

Possibly open to Mythic CN if y’all are willing to teach me the mechanics on the majority of the bosses, up until we reach your progression boss, and then just learn together.

Hey I think I have the home for you, add me on discord - Br33ze420#9584
We can talk more if you’d like.