Ilvl to Feel Good as Ret

Hey everyone, back to playing this pally again. I just started some TWW content and it feels like I’m hitting VERY weakly. I get my ilvl is very low, but at what ilvl should this feeling change? In DF I never noticed this before.

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It’s not the Ilvl its the hero spec.

There’s a none negligible part of your damage coming from it.

Which means you need to use Wake almost all the time to kill stuff.

If you just try to use the other builder-spender to keep wake for bigger mobs, it’ll feel rather bad.

Judgement-Wake-HoL, then finish them off with the normal rotational abilities.

Wait for wake to comeback and repeat.

Ahh, okay. Yah I’ve noticed stuff melts from Wake plus Hammer of Light while other builders are weak.

What about in terms of being squishy? Pally seems much squishier than my Warrior and DK did while leveling.

That I can’t really speak to it.

It’s not something that made an impression on me when I leveled.

The only thing I can really tell you is to check your build.

Make sure you have Sanctified Plates, Unbreakable Spirit and Healing Hands from the class tree.

Pick up Guided Prayer in the spec tree and get Shield of Vengeance.
You’ll have 3 defensive, 1 emergency automatic heal and use Holy Power on WoG to survive.