Yeah you right I play with good players.
How much gold do they charge you?
Yes I do remember. I played on Nost and signed the petition. My bad for assuming that original intent would stick through WotLK as I had hoped.
So 1 hunter and maybe 1 feral druid per 40 man was meta but having 1 resto druid for imp FF wasn’t? Got it.
IDK how you missed all the enhancement shamans and reckoning paladins one shotting people in bg’s.
Cool. it’s good that you see design flaws so easily and want them to be fixed. Doesn’t change that those fixes should go in during WotLK SoM. I sincerely hope you get them then. The people who don’t want changes should also get the version they want.
It doesn’t have to be this or that. It CAN and should be both.
what’s your brilliant solution to wintergrasp?
Very nice as it should be. Its 100% accomplishable.
Right but the problem evolved and spread like a disease because of the pserver players / mentality. The beckoning was heard FROM the pserver community and owner of a specific server. There are videos you can watch of the discussion they had at blizz HQ and was the ONLY reason classic even came out and the nochange decision was so wide spread. Exploiting.
What if i told you blizzard knew exactly beforehand what woudl happen. Look at the mentality of current “gamers” and thought why not make money of the large player base that would probably doing what happened. Selfish and self centered got farmed for IRL money GG
Im hoping WOTLK lasts 2 years at least personally. This is my last stop. TBC was waaaay too short.
Exploits were in the game, that’s just how it is. Item levels are not exploits though, they’re balance-related. RDF is not an exploit. There are many things that go well beyond the #changes you’re referring to.
If Blizzard hard that much foresight then they would change nothing about WotLK because the amount of people that would return to play a true-returned WotLKC would be insurmountable and they’d make more money off that than their whales.
Didn’t say it was? I saw a suggestion in another thread and actually think its the best way to handle RDF hands down including retail.
True BUT the disparity it causes is the issue.
I mean market and data analysts live and breath for this and call it fun lol. Hard to argue against the influx but tbh that would be coming from pservers more likely. Either way tis hard to disprove that possibility but difference between this and wow classic, they talked to the pserver scene and that not only got it rolling but guaranted over the amt thought to be subbed now … 200k+ ish. They might make the money off the whales we don’t know because that data hasnt been created yet where the other has.
Let me guess… you got into a heated debate where you are disagreed on and you got so mad that you need to follow someone around because they disagreed with you with some points.
Please touch grass.
Man these insults are cringe for you to say.
Blizzard: “Come give us your money and enjoy the classic WoW experiences you loved!”
WoW Community: “Yes please!”
Also Blizzard: “Actually, we got bored in a development meeting since the game is already developed, and here is a list of the things we’re going to change.”
95% of the WoW community: “No… please don’t…”
Also also Blizzard: “It’s for your own good. You’ll thank us later. After all, when has the community ever been right and us be wrong?”
Sorry to interrupt but I had the same comment.
If even its not 100% accurate to source material, you should try and strive to get close to it as possible and thats where the Re-release of Classic did well in despite it using 1.12 at the start as a base and maybe some other changes like the item that pauses world buffs.
The internet may have changed but I dont consider it being a part of the authentic experience because you are never going to capture that and its impossible to achieve, the only thing I care about in Wrath classic is that is it authentic enough?
This is one of the mst overblown, overdramatic, ridiculous posts on the forums. How are classic players somehow more angsty than high elf or tinker posters on GD? This is embarrassing.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but go touch grass.
Yes, this is a problem. I go back and play Spyro to this day for two reasons.
I enjoy it
I know where everything is, it’s pretty much completely solved even from a speedrunning perspective. I can still enjoy and love the vibe and art style of the game while focusing purely on improving my execution and have better clear times.
A lot of the point of retro gaming is the fact that it’s mostly solved. Why do you think people play the ORIGINAL FF1 with the Peninsula of Power over the newer versions that are prettier but fixed the Peninsula of Power?
Because the PoP was pretty much part of the fun in FF1; it didn’t need to be fixed.
If it were about making the game more in line with what it used to be; I’m fine with it. I’m not tore up about LFD being removed and so on, but changing things like this to “make Ulduar more relevant” is just a bad decision. And I will stand by that.
I realize, but your list of changes you’re citing seems to be limited to exploit fixes.
Disparity? You mean how certain classes scale better than others? Those classes get the brunt of the bad stuff when the expansion begins, so it’s only correct that the game pans out how it used to. If you’re talking about how gear becomes outdated, well yes, that’s how MMO’s work.
Of course the private server people’s numbers are estimating to be lower, they’re private servers - not the actual OG company. Private servers are less popular than an OG Wrath not only because of the original stamping that Classic gets but because private servers (even the “best” ones) have their fair share of bugs, paywalling, P2W, or other bad practices. Their test pool isn’t exactly legitimate. The past, however, seems to be a pretty good indicator, but Blizzard’s ego is getting in the way of that. Heaven forbid Classic Wrath is Classic and blows Dragonflight out of the water.
Well, while you look at it with an open mind, i’ll be looking at it with a closed wallet and unsub/uninstall the bnet launcher :^)
This is a mischaracterisation of cause and effect and you know it. Afflock is strong but not so egregiously overtuned that it remains uncontested for the entire expansion on 3.3.5 tuning, and it’s surpassed by 4+ specs in ICC. Afflock being so dominant specifically on Yogg is because of class mechanics more than anything, and your average guild on Yogg 0 is not bringing 10-15 Warlocks unless they are pushing for a week 1 Ulduar Yogg 0 - and Blizzard has demonstrated for 15+ years that class stacking at the bleeding edge is fine.
This isn’t strictly a change, this happened in original TBC - we just got the change earlier and justifiably so because the content cadence for TBC has been rushed.
Once again, rushed content phases. Wouldn’t have been necessary if TBC pacing had been closer to original.
Potentially solve several pve issues wotLK had*** and cause numerous more in pvp.
No one cares what you think, little man.
Thanks for also joining the clown show with the other idiots.