Ilvl 417 Lock aff/demo/detro Looking for mythic raiding guild

Sevenstein - Area 52
-i´m a Lock main, i currently do not have alts been playing since WOD on and off playing mainly in Heroic guilds and pushing keys and in shadowlands did a little bit of mythic and liked it, moved to a guild looking to push mythic in Dragonflight and got 4/8 m Before the guild stopped raiding for life reasons im currently 417IL looking for a guild that wants to push CE.
My times are:

M-T-W-T-F can start from:6:00PM PST till really late lol
WEEKEND - anytime (i got no life)

toon: Sevenstein - Area 52

Bnet: Seven#1473 Discord Seven#1138

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Hey there! Bold may be a good fit for you!

We are 4/8M on Stormrage (Alliance) and Kurog at 8%. We raid Tues/ Wed from 8:30-11:30 est and Thursday 9-11 est. There is also an optional heroic raid on Fridays. Hit me up on bnet for more info. Reluctor#1255

We also have a Weekend team that is 4/8M, with Kurog at 11%. They raid 8:30-11:30 est on Sat / Sun.

I’d prefer to see you in the week day raid but whichever fit your schedule best is up to you. I’m not sure if 6PM pst is able to make the weekday raid but figured i’d try just incase :slight_smile:

Hey buddy, added you on Discord :slight_smile:

My guild is currently looking for a warlock. We are 6/8m. Ill leave our guild spam and hope to hear from you.

you should have a disc request from Kabaty#5610 on discord. Mentality on Bleeding Hollow (4/8M) is looking for more dps and I’d love to chat with you.

Hi Daishaen,

Current progression: 6/8 Mythic and 8/8 Heroic Vault.

Death Jesters, a 17 year old raiding guild would love to have you apply! We’re an old-school guild that has been a robust and thriving community with our sister guild, Zeroes to Heroes.

We have always prided ourselves on being a very small, closely-bonded mythic guild. We have a long history of raiding and have achieved numerous server firsts and top rankings. Many of us have been raiding together since Molten Core or previous MMOs

While nowhere as hardcore as we used to be, we are pursuing CE on a 2 day raid schedule for Dragonflight.

The team’s desire is to go back to CE for Dragonflight and make some great progress in S4. We’ve had the same leadership for 17 years with players that are multi Hall of Fame, CE, and even those that are newer to mythic raiding.

We raid:

Fridays & Saturdays 11:00pm-2:00pm EST.

If you’re interested or looking for more information, feel free to message any Death Jester officer: Sparty (BattlenetID and Discord: Sparty#1780), Mathian (BattleNet ID: Matloc#11342)