Hello let me first start off by saying that i am currently maining a ele/resto shammy but for the most part resto has been the actual main spec. i am wanting to stay alliance and on Lightbringer i am open to mornings or evening raid times preferably later evening but that could change. Even tho ive gone 9/10H i hadnt seen those fights alot. so where ever i go id like to be given the chance to learn and someone not mindin explainin if needed. im lookin for a active guild outside of raids as im on alot. I also have a holy priest that im gearing almost ilvl 190 and also a MM hunter and a couple other alts coming up on 60. My Resto shammy is ilvl210 atm im lookin for some pvpers as well as id like to get on a few teams for 9.1. hopefully i get some hits
Good morning!
Please contact me in game, we are looking to add to our roster for the next tier. we currently working on Sire for AOTC and usually need to pick up a healer every week. ingame name: Falconius or add me on Btag Falconius#1299