Illustrating the problem with MMR in RSS

As we all know at this point, players are leaving to protect their MMR. The 150cr loss isn’t enough to deter players from leaving with how MMR is currently working.

This is especially true for healers… Given that they have instant queues, the 15 minute lock out is a joke compared to the 30-45+ minute queues DPS can have. By the time our Q has popped, that healer could already have two matches behind them and recovered most, if not all of their CR and their MMR will be substantially higher.

So let’s break it down some…

When you lose, often times the loss can be anywhere from 40-50+ rating. Even if you go 2/6. One win away from even and you take a huge CR and MMR hit.

Then you have to deal with this.


So, regardless of staying or leaving, you’re going to need 3-4 matches to get back your CR. Since you gain nothing for winning lower MMR matches. So why tank your MMR when you’re going to need the same amount of games to win back that rating?

You’re basically getting hit on multiple fronts. Not only did you lose CR and MMR, but now you’re facing players that are substantially lower. You can win 4/6 and get nothing. BUT IF you lose any of these matches… your MMR and your CR will BOTH crater. This is especially true for DPS. You might get paired up with two very low CR healers. If you’re the kill target more times then not… well, your loss.

My rating keeps going in large 200+ CR swings. I was over 2k and then lost 250 rating. Then I got ack up to 2k, then again lost another 200 rating. Every loss is compounding and… every win as well. If you can get some positive momentum, you can push up fast quickly.

TLDR: If you lose a few matches your MMR will tank and it makes it hard to farm your CR back. You may have to play multiple games with wins just to start gaining rating again.


Yep, there’s a trick for getting a new character super high really fast. Play DPS and keep leaving until you get 5 wins at game 6. If you manage a 6-0, your MMR will skyrocket so high that unless you’re incredibly bad, you’ll reach 2100 just by random luck.

Honestly I don’t think sitting in queues of 15-30ish or more minutes to just leave, sit out deserter, queue again is worth it.

I’m bored af in shuffle queue, afraid that doing anything else - zoning, queueing something else, etc - will somehow make it worse.

Hell I’m 17 minutes in one trying BM out for the first time as we speak and it pops right now! Yay!

Yep. I’m seeing lots of 2k+ MMR players with almost no CR. I’m guessing you can pump your MMR up to absurd levels. That would easily swing you into a very high bracket and I bet you’d still be getting decent rating… even if you went 1/6.

I just faced some high rated players (last season glads), but they all had low CRs. I’m trying to look them up to see how many games they have played, but Armory isn’t working…

Less so for DPS for sure. I’m mostly seeing healers leave.

Like this game. This just happened.


I pushed in to get CC and ranged the healer for a few seconds. I wasn’t the target. The healer ran up and was hit with a CC chain and the other DPS died.

I didn’t say much, but that was too much for them. So they left. I was in queue for 45 minutes for that match. Sucks.

Oof. Yea that sucks man.

Healer perspective here:

went 2/6 in two games and lost about 60 CR each game dropping me under 1000

Next game I won 5/6 and gained…13 CR

Yep. The MMR swings are way too large. You basically have to win 3-4 of your next matches to make up for it. Awful design as it stands.


if a healer benefits more leaving than losing mmr, thats just a system that needs adjusting.

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Yes - you stayed for the games you were going 2-6 and your MMR tanked. As a result, the next game you actually did well and won gave you nothing.
This is the problem players are avoiding by leaving.


man it’d be awesome if this pathetic wannabe esport had a playerbase that could be relied upon to just play the game because it’s fun instead of obsessing over meaningless rewards

when they come out with a ranked mario party ladder i’m so outta here

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The issue is the design. Players will be players, regardless of the game. In this instance, they need to change how MMR works. The fact there is ANY incentive at all to leave says enough about the design being bad.

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3-4 matches = 90-120 minutes in queue
one loss =

this is meaningless without knowing your MMR and the avg MMR of the lobby.