< Mestov > of Illidan is now opening recruitment for Shadowlands. We are seeking exceptional players to add to our mythic roster. Please reach out to Bluff#1114 on BNET or Bluff#3277 on Discord.
Led by CE raiders, the guild was formed mid patch 8.3. Our current core consists of many returning veteran players of the game, used to raiding at a high level. As time has gone on and priorities have changed, we sought to create a relaxed schedule with a hardcore mindset. The goal is always to progress as far as we can and make adjustments as needed to make that happen.
Raid Schedule
Tuesday/Wednesday: 8:30-11:30 PM EST
- Boomkin
- Warlock
- Hunter
- Shadow priest
- Fury/Arms Warrior
If your class is not listed above and you are still interested in our guild, please do not hesitate to contact us. Exceptional players of any class/role will be considered.