(Illidan) Group looking for an AOTC Guild

Looking for AOTC raiding guild for 10.1. I have 4 people. Rogue, Guardian Druid, Holy Pally/Resto Sham, DPS DH/Feral. Please PM if you are looking for people.

IngloriousBastardos is looking for people interested in doing Mythic + and raiding. We need some Tanks, Healers, and a few Raid leaders.

IngloriousBastardos is a newer guild, when our original guild fell apart a few of us started our own guild. We do Pvp and PVE. We like to keep things fun and relaxed regardless of what we are doing. We are friends and teammates first. We like to progress and grow but we are also family oriented, and know we all have a life outside of the game. We are an 18+ guild.
Raid times are
10am pst-3pm pst Wednesday/ Thursday
8pm pst- 11pm pst Tuesday Thursday

If you are Interested please message Zanaria
Discord- Shamshieldz #4137
Bnet- DireRaven#1545628

Hello there! Our Horde guild [Children Of Gygax] is recruiting healers and dps for Aberrus. Currently we are full up on tank spots in the raid though. We are a casual heroic guild that’s been established since before Shadowlands and is 8/8H.
Our current progression
-Vault of the Incarnates-
Our raid times

  • Thursdays / Sundays 9PM - 12pm EST.

Server : Destromath

Voice Chat : Discord

What we’re looking for
Being on time and prepared for raids. Which Includes :

  • Enchanted -
  • Gem slots filled -
  • Food -
  • Phials -
  • Potions -


  • Melee Dps -
  • Ranged Dps -
  • Healer -
    Spec not excluded to exceptional players.
    A little bit about ourselves, most of us are a bit older around 25+ and have jobs and such so we all respect each others time here. We also do regular group content such as Mythic+ dungeons and we push to get an achievement raid done at the end of the content, and hang out playing other games with each other as well in discord. If you’re interested, we could always use more dedicated people that’d like to join a gaming community such as ours.

You can reply to this post or contact me here :
Battle-net tag - Vercross#1411
Discord - Xcrush#1465

Hello team! We just broke off from a guild with CE experience. We are 8/8H ventless raiding team at the moment looking for quality players for Season 2 and beyond. We raid two nights (Wed/Th) and Sunday optional. Our raiding schedule is 10:30pm - 1:30am EST. We aim for AOTC and dabble in mythic fights.

NOTE- We are in need of 2nd tank and rshaman, also have room for another 2 dps if u guys are interested.

DM Ozeanos#0547 on disc or Ozeanos#1547 on bnet if interested!

Yo! We are currently looking for some DPS and a healer, unfortunately we are full on tanks though. We are on Illidan as well. Check us out!


Discord contacts: