Illidan appears down?

At this point its my first suspicion on getting DC’d and not logging in that its yet another Blizzard issue.

It seems it is hitting random people. Was just in a key with a friend, both from Illidan. He DC 2 times each time on bosses, I was fine. Key dead.

Seems back up but have had issues being the only one in my group to DC the last 24 hours.

Edit: Nevermind… Back Down

Illidan having issues.

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Yeah I been getting constant disconnects for the past 2 hours… CONVIENTLY anytime Im doing something rated

Same thing here. Been happening since yesterday. I am on Illidan aswell. Sometimes will be able to play for 20-30 minutes, then I DC and cant get back in for 10-20 minutes.

Down for me to. Got DC’ed and can’t log back in.

Hey all, Illidan is indeed online and not disconnecting (that’s where my main is), so this looks like a node between you all and the Chicago datacenter is either down or having issues.

Players in another thread are using a VPN to temporarily fix the issue, so that will likely work for you all too. Seems to be people connecting from West and Southwest of Chicago that are affected.