I'll take N'Zoth over Sylvanas

Frank Welker > Daren De Paul.

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This is why I have 150k Honor kills.

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Reading that made the Necro worth it.

That name sounded familiar but I couldn’t place it. At first I thought it was the original actor from Robocop - but that was Peter Weller.

I looked him up. I must have seen the name “Frank Welker” in the credits of like every show growing up. But he will always be Chicken Boo to me.

Here is a low quality clip from You Tube for any who are interested in experiencing the magic of his voice acting:

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That is really disturbing. It’s a saccharine show about a violent abusive, unstable lunatic.

On topic: I love Nzoth’s voice acting. “Nothing? Hm hm hm hm I AM A GOD! Before you walked this land I ruled!”



What in the name of Triforce knock-offs?

That’s not Frank Welker, that’s Keith Ferguson.(a.k.a Reaper from OW)

Read his mouths: NO. NEW. TAXES.


It’s the naughty tentacles that got you hooked, right Grand?

Pretty much this, the N’Zoth Voiceacting is top-notch great stuff. They better not kill off N’Zoth quickly. For a supreme evil villain bent on devouring the universe, I like him a lot.

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The power of Q with the emotional stability of the Hulk. What could possibly go wrong?

If Blizzard held a poll and it asked…

“Given the option, would you choose to willing serve N’Zoth? Be aware that N’Zoth is an inscrutable, untrustworthy, evil entity. It desires the ruin of all things, including you and everything you previously professed to love. To stand with N’Zoth is to stand against all that is right and good in the universe”

…I’m thinking the poll might go in N’Zoth’s favor.


I really don’t care much about their voices. I love how Patty gives such an amazing performance when voicing Sylvanas but at the end of the day I only want to stand next to Tyrande while she pours the wrath of Elune upon the banshee Queen.

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Been there, done that.

At least Squiddy Boi would let me spread the ruination around.


Well, if you are a Night Elf I guess the Horde has inflicted more suffering on your people than the Old Gods have so maybe N’Zoth isn’t looking so bad.



Sweet sweet necromancy insert evil forsaken laugh here. but saw the post didn’t notice the date till after I made that post involving our sultry squid sempais voice. Don’t regret it though.

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nzoth rewards you with power
sylvanas rewards you with stomping on you

Some people get off to this.

Don’t kinkshame me.