Ill pay $50 per month for clean server

Servers with full GM moderation and regionally locked to NA only. (Of course you can add other regions but keep them seperate) No bots and no bs. Hell ide pay 100 for something like this.

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Do you pay for wow with your moms credit card don’t lie

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Still not worth it for them. They make so much money just feeding off of our nostalgia and barely putting any effort into doing anything but keeping the lights on and throwing us morsels of content every few months.

Even if five thousand people paid 100 bucks a money for a ‘clean server’, it wouldn’t pay for itself for the amount of work they’d have to do on it to hold up their end of the bargain.

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Mr Korex sounds jelly that someone has money. Choose your career in life carefully.

Ever hear of a VPN?

Trust me I’m not jealous of anyone that’s willing to drop $1,200 a year on classic wow

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Man you make them sound like some abusive, cancerous monster. You do realize if you don’t like how they run things you can… you know… just walk away with literally 0 retaliation.

My god… this game has consumed you people

would be cool to have a “deluxe server” that WoW classic’s elites can play on :expressionless: It would probably be more like $200-300 a month though. Like one of those luxury gym memberships.

If the shoe fits…

I’m playing this game because I’ve got a lot of friends playing and we’re all having fun playing together. But that doesn’t change the fact that Blizzard has all but given up on improving on the gameplay experience in order to save money at the expense of their playerbase. The complete automation of literally everything on the backend, from reporting other players to even asking for help and being forced to go to an external website to submit a ticket proves that.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… I’m not playing this decrepit twenty-year old game because Blizzard is some amazing game company. I’m playing it in SPITE of Blizzard.

The moment all of my friends stop playing is the moment I stop playing as well.

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i wouldn’t, enjoy the ultra low pop

you’re forcing Godzilla into Cinderellas shoes and saying it fits.

what? they took classic wow (which is massively loved) and added some new stuff to it. That’s it. They didn’t take anything from you and they haven’t done anything at your expense

every single massive company does this. It’s asinine to think they’d have an individual person look over every single report. People report for absolute nonsense, no company is going to pay an army of people to watch you report someone for a naughty name. They pay people to look at appeals. Annoying? yes, lazy/evil? no

man… have you tried Minecraft? I can’t imagine forcing myself to log into a game I hate with this much passion just to hang out with my friends.

again… why? This just sounds like hating this game has become a real part of your life, and that’s pathetic. Do something else with your friends, and if they don’t want to hang out with you outside of wow? they aren’t really your friends

You’re subscribing a lot of emotions to me that don’t exist lol. I don’t hate the game. I don’t even hate Blizzard. I just feel vague contempt for Blizzard and have stopped expecting them to make good games. Shocker of shocker, I haven’t been disappointed by them in years as a result.

Can’t for the life of me figure out why you feel the need to defend them so fervently that you’d diligently split up my post into a bunch of individual lines of text so you could meticulously go over every sentence with a fine tooth comb only to STILL try to force words into my mouth to fit your narrative, but here we are I suppose.

And you say the game has consumed ME, lol.

Chances are, anyone willing to drop big money on WoW already RMTs and is not interested in a “clean” server.

What would classify as this?

I understand that frustration but hell no

RMT makes more than $50 per month, it’s actually quite insane how much bots make, they’re a permanent fixture in WoW.

Better to find a fresh game at this point, one with innate moderation, because WoW is never going to be that.

We’re talking one person with more than three hundred accounts. And there’s loads of people out there doing that, raising the money folks can buy for GDKP lol.

The botters are paying Blizzard around $6k a month, while you pay only $15. Think about how much gold that makes.

You’re worthless as a singular player.

We need to build a Wall.

People tend to cover a range of topics in a single blurb. It’s easier to address those topics when you split them up. If it helps I can keep it smaller for you?

It’s not even defending blizz for me, There’s things about them, and the game, I don’t like. It’s the idea that someone would have contempt for a video game company in any capacity and still play that shocks me. The moment I stop having fun or liking blizz in anyway I unsub, even if my friends are playing. Contempt and not expecting good things from a company is a silly mentality to have when playing a recreational video game. You do you though

this :expressionless: blizzard just doesn’t care about us “honest” players. we’re not paying enough

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My contempt for the company simply doesn’t outweigh the amount of fun I have playing the game with friends. The game certainly wouldn’t be fun to play solo, and it boggles my mind the amount of people who try to treat it as a quasi-singleplayer experience and then come to the forums to cry about how they can’t get invited to every single BFD group, or don’t want to have to make a premade group for WSG.

But so long as my guild and friends are active, the game is worth playing. My contempt for Blizzard only extends so far in that I don’t expect them to put building a sustainable product over short term profit anymore. And yeah, maybe that should be obvious and to people like you and me it probably is abundantly obvious.

But then you still get threads like this, wishing Blizzard would put more care and effort into their video games. So clearly it’s not obvious to everyone quite yet.