I'll Hold These For You Until You Get Out (Warglaives Mog)

Will this work if I got both warglaives on my demon hunter on a different realm, and I do TW BT on another character on another realm?

Yes. That is what I did.

One of my Demon Hunters finally received both Glaives from the raid, thus earning the Feat of Strength achievement.

I then ran the BC Timewalking version of Black Temple on this character and was awarded the (Arsenal: The Warglaives of Azzinoth) transmog.

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Which suggests that the best strategy is:

  • Run BC with any and all characters capable of using two swords (because the first achievement requires equipping both at the same time) until a character gets both to drop and equips them to score the unlocking achievement
  • Run timewalking BC on your main (for the best chance of getting chosen for the PUG) and collect the second achievement and the transmog at the Illidan kill.
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Def did it on my DH cuz you can do the skips for faster runs

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I mean, yeah, if you have to choose just one character to run it, a DH is optimum.

But I’m talking about a full-effort farm grind with every toon capable of helping, because the drop rates are that bad.

Ironically I already have both. On this hunter. Who can’t score the achievement because hunters can’t dual-wield swords.

I guess they look nice in the bank, though.

I was grinding for the Black Bow of the Betrayer but got both glaives a long time before the bow dropped. So that’s nice.