Ilevel inflation is out of control

So I thought I’d come back to the game and enjoy some M+, maybe pug a raid or two. I played hard at launch and hit ilevel 360 or so? It wasn’t the greatest but was pretty good. I come back now, and ilevel needs to be like 440+ to do content.

Wut in tarnation? Why doesn’t the next level give like +5 or +10 ilevel at most, why do we need to go up 100 ilevel in less than a year?!

What’s more I have to now spend countless hours playing parts of the game I don’t want to play, to play the part of the game I want to play?

This is a slap in the face to returning players. Either slow down the outrageous ilevel boosts or offer current raid ilevel vendors to let returning players get back in the game.

There should not be a 100 hour pre game before you can play the game.


There’s lots of ways to get 400+ level gear. LFR, Weekly quests, daily emissaries, warfronts, etc.

You can also buy +10 and H-EP runs.


Back in the day (pre-Cata), an item’s stat budget was decided based on both item level and item quality (green/blue/epic).

Today, there is no difference in item quality. An ilvl 400 item will be the exact same whether it’s green, blue, or purple. The text color means absolutely nothing.

This was a big mistake on Blizzard’s end, and it’s the driving force on why Item Levels are again out of control.


Exactly why RIO exists

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But I don’t want to do LFR, Weeklys, daily, warfronts, or buy carry. I was t to play the game how I want to play it.

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Not only that, but a linear increase in item level is an exponential increase in power. The difference between a 410 and a 420 is much higher than that of a 400 and a 410…further reducing the meaning of item levels.


No way! There are plenty of ways for new players to catch up their ilvl pretty fast.


Yeah this game doesn’t come with cheat codes - you have to earn your gear, whether you pay for it with gold or time. It’s just how RPG’s work.

The only other way around it is if you have good friends in a solid guild that will invite you to heroic speed clears and they pass loot to you.

Otherwise the game turns into a kind of pay-to-win system (even more than it already is).


Tbh I gotta agree with you, Although i’m not sure if it would be too difficult for me, I just came back from a month++ break too but been at 405 on my Rogue and Priest for some time. I just wouldn’t want to see 400 be the new 375… example… I mean i’ll do Mythics for sure, or maybe push PvP again, but hope its not too difficult to get more than 1 400+ piece of gear in 1 week of playing 2-3 hours/day

I can point out 5 reasons why inflation is so bad.

  1. LFR
  2. Normal
  3. Heroic
  4. Mythic

^ The raids. Before someone tries to make a cute comment.

  1. Titanforging (added on)

There is a lot of exaggeration in the OP. Thats all im gonna say.


For m+ you left in season 1.
We’re like 3 weeks into season 3.

Plenty of catch up mechanics. Regular mythics and the new LFR give 400 then start into m+

That’s like 1 day and your caught up.



While I do disagree with the massive ilvl inflation over the course of every expansion, with all the catch up mechanics they give it isn’t hard to get back into the swing of things.


It’s because Blizzard believes people want to see big numbers. They’re not wrong and that’s the real problem.


So how do you get gear then. If those out of question? Seems kind of weird. Skipping the catch up mechanic.

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Wrath only had 76 item levels over the entire expansion and that was with blizz messing with raid design every tier, we have had over 200 ilvls already in BFA , no wonder they have to play around with mob health and damage nearly every patch.

Playing the patch mentality is just another thing that ruined wow expansions its supposed to be a 24 month journey now its a 1-3 month season.


This is why item level squishes are going to become more and more common place.

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OP, you are 60 item levels below what a +2 now drops. Get to work.

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Benthic gear becomes 400 after u purchase it for 5 perals and upgrade for 10 or 15 pearls. Also pvp capping gives 415 gear for no ranking