Ignore the forums

The time to do marketing research is before sinking hundreds of millions of dollars of investors’ money, so a company can find out what their customers want to pay for and then create that product to sell them. Given the multi year development cycle, “feedback” long after a product has been released is useless.

The metrics you described can only tell them whether their product has met the developers’ expectations for participation or has failed.

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I really don’t get what you’re trying to say. It’s my guild leader’s fault for not creating an environment where people don’t feel burnt out from systems and bored from content drought 8 months into this patch?

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But IS it long term? Just because somebody does something, doesn’t mean they enjoy it or that it has replay value, for instance we’re forced to run through the Maw intro every time we make an SL alt, according to the time played metrics we “love” it… but if you ask most people how they feel the consensus generally seems to be they hate it…

All I can say is my experience on the forums is nothing even remotely close to my experience in game. It’s like a night and day difference. Thank God.

… what?? Who is Winston? There isn’t even a Winston in this thread. There’s me, WinSten and no Winston.

I’m so confused.

Oh. Edit. So there’s the problem. You’re calling me names and not even having a conversation with the right person.

No one is posting on multiple accounts to have an entirely different conversation with you. That doesn’t even make any sense.

Considering you had none for the conversation I was trying to have, that’s a remarkable statement.

I’m just going to ignore you now. You seem to be incapable of talking to multiple people and I’m not dealing with your crazy accusations and left field comments.

The assumption is that people won’t leave, they’ll just continue to repeat something that is just their to suck up their time. The fact is that they do leave. I’m not sure how they could measure that, given their clear lack of interest over the years about why players leave.

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It’s not marketing research. In game metrics have always been a thing. It has nothing to do with this.

Exactly. And if something fails, they change it. If something looks like people are continuing to do it, they leave it or attempt to “improve” it.

Which is the entire point and why a poll seems unnecessary to them.

I agree with your evaluation of your statement. lol

I have 1 sub that I care about. But ask yourself, here you are ,7 years into what you consider a trend of 75% of what they do is crap. For someone who watches trends for years (your precious metal analogy) you seem to be missing something. Shouldnt a 75% failure rate cause you to not be here any longer? Are you just hoping they squirrel into that 25% nut at some point?

Me , I’m just playing a game. Some of its fun some of its not. No big deal.

OK… thanks for the discourse sir. I’m getting the stink eye from the clock that says I should be working!

So when they lose all those others and the servers get shut down…that wont have any bearing on your WoW time, correct?
Since its an online game, I care about their ticking off their player base who might just walk and end the game Im playing.

OLD content, gent. precisely what doing right now.
Remove classic thru Legion from the game and I’ll unsub permanently today.

nah…you wont be if they end up losing enough paying subscribers over their cranking out crap content…those servers will be unplugged.

Yes. He also should take better care to who is invited to the guild. If u invite boring personalities expect people to be bored.

Ive seen plenty of games I played go offline… this will be one of them someday. No big deal.

I also enjoy going back and doing old stuff… did not get the feels frm CLassic of TBC though.

The gaming options are vast.

OK out for real now… please dont compel me to respond! haha

What they don’t get is , players don’t do it because they love the Maw they do it because they love making alts and are forced to run the Maw if they want to play their alts.

Subs started dropping in Wrath. Game is still here. What happens next, who knows.

They’re changing it to try to appeal to a new generation of gamers. Us old gen gamers aren’t keen on that. And I don’t know if they’ll bring in the new gen.

We wait and see, I suppose. Blizzard will either have to revert back or they’ll stick with what they want for a new generation and phase us out.

You do realize it’s not black and white, right? People can be unhappy and complain, but also understand why some things are the way they are. Just because they don’t agree with the extreme outrage doesn’t make them shills.

they actually grew some in wrath and started declining in cata…the first ‘bad’ expansion…then kept going down in mists and then shot up and then nose dived in WoD…so badly that they stopped making the numbers public.

theyre failing miserably, lol. If THIS is what new players want, theyre gaming tastes are incredibly shallow.

I understand what a shill is.

an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.

When one is trying to blow smoke up my rump about how great this expansion is when we know its not…

lmao…so you dont care if the game dies. i guess complacency is the result of that.
Id personally prefer having a game i DO enjoy a lot of NOT die any time soon.

As bad as this game is currently, there is no real competition for it for what it is…not right now, anyway. Maybe that company thats eating up devs will make a viable replacement, who knows.
What I do know is Im a gamer since video games first were public…and I know this is the first one since Pong to keep my attention more than 6 months.
The last two expansions have sucked, but Id kinda like NOT having those servers shut down and losing classic thru Legion, personally.


Dont get me wrong. I enjoy playing it. I just know it would be replaced with something enjoyable , so , no I wont go thru 5 stages of grief for a video game.

As bad as things seem , I dont think that will be any time soon.

Their tastes are different. That doesn’t make them shallow.

You don’t seem to. You seem to use that word because you dislike when someone says something that doesn’t line up with your outrage.

People can be unhappy and still understand how or why some things work. They can also dislike some things and like other things. And others may simply enjoy what you don’t. That doesn’t make them a shill.

comparing old content to new…yeah…shallow is a good word.


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It’s your opinion, but pretty insulting to new gen gamers. Some of them think our ideas of content are bad. Let’s not throw around crap like that and act like we’re better than the new gen.

Nothing stays the same. And if this game is going to survive, it needs to change. We may hate that, but it may keep the game alive.

So you want to just act childish and dismissive. Par for the course with your attitude.