Ignore pain…. And hand pain

I levelled a warrior alt because I enjoy arms historically, but I wanted to try out prot because of enjoyment of the fantasy. Ignore pain (regardless of bind) seems to be needing to constantly be pressed (according to guides that I’ve read) to avoid overcapping on rage.

I went and I started hitting the tanking dummies and no matter what bind I put it on (using an Mmo mouse. I don’t use scroll wheel because I lose camera control if I do) it kills my hand to be hitting it so much especially while trying to manage the other buttons.

I am curious if (while sub optimal) I can just bind it to shield slam and thunderclap? Because I just cannot play a class that hurts my hand by spamming it to avoid overcapping

Edit: not needing to be optimal, just good enough and functional that I can do content like 10’s when my friends and I can’t find a tank.

Hand pain from gaming is generally one of a couple of factors.
Poor Ergonomics in your Desk/Seat height not being compatible and bad keybind layouts. These can lead to overexertion of your nerves in your hand both carpal or ulnar, which is a bit of a rabbit hole to explain.

But for yourself right now, when you say MMO mouse, what are we talking here? a 12 button naga situation? a 6/2 logitech g604? a 3/2 g502? etc.

Secondly if it’s a 12 button MMO mouse how have you allocated your keybinds?

Have you spread them between your keyboard and mouse binds to alleviate pressure from using the same digit multiple times in a row?
Or have you just bound everything possible to your mouse so that your thumb is getting a P90X workout every time you play wow?

its just the spam. I was honestly expecting prot to play like arms with only maybe shield block being off gcd.

I only use my 12 button naga for keybinds with shift and alt as modifiers to each. Its just constantly hitting shift 1 for it hurts my pinkey lol (but thats what it is for arms my main pvp alt spec) Especially when I have to hit it so much because its off GCD and its used to prevent rage cap and I seem to always be there

That’s your problem then, you need to rethink your key binds to use both keyboard and mouse like you would when you drive a manual car in using one hand for the steering wheel and your other for the gearstick.

A split of using keys such as 1-5, r, t, f, g / f1-4 for regular on gcd attacks/cooldowns, and then putting oGCDs/ccs/gap closers etc on your mouse will spread out the use of each finger in a smarter manner so you won’t consistently be hammering the same motions.

Well I moved it and it doesn’t hurt my hand nearly as much. although it is kinda annoying to have to press it so much I guess its just how prot warrior plays is to spam that every other key.

Funny, I find my Prot warrior easy to layout, Monk is 10x worse.

Perhaps rebind your F1-F8 keys to abilities. I put things like Shield Block, Ignore Pain, Spell Reflect, etc… up there. That way I can hit them while still moving/positioning and don’t need to move my left hand off the WASD keys.

Another thing might be to use shift/alt/ctrl macros to cut down on keys?

But I don’t think there’s anyway around button spam with warrior, it’s just kinda the way it’s played.

So I have a question. So I did lfr, and I did some dummy practice (not the best I know). But I feel very flooded with rage and can’t spend it fast enough. Even with spamming revenge and ignore pain. Is that normal?

also after your mitigation runs out of charges what do you do?

edit: since I’m having to push ignore pain so much to keep away from rage cap why not just bind it to an ability that you press a ton like shield bash, thunder clap, or revenge?

the higher content you do the more ignore pain will be used up. that being said they are nerfing the crap out of prot warrior in the ptb lol

I rarely find I’m rage capped in higher keys (10+), particularly in single target fights (like bosses) where you dodge/parry a lot. But if it works for you…

Basically shield block should have near 100% up time if rotated properly, and always has the highest priority on rage.

IP is 2nd highest priority. I’ve seen good warriors in top keys in the 80% range of up time, I have a hard time getting higher than 70%.

Revenge (multi-target) and execute (single target and low hp) are rage dumps when SB/IP don’t need to be refreshed.

Thunder clap/Shield bash on CD, and the rest is situational.

There is a 3rd.

It could also be when you’re just not used to using that particular muscle that particular way. Warriors are a bit spammy and can actually be significant exertion on certain hand muscles. Generally if it is a joint that hurts, it is bad ergonomics and keybinds and you should fix it. Muscle pain, just try to get used to it until your hand adapts to using that muscle that frequently. Don’t over stress and give yourself carpel tunnel though.

I mean Numbers personally don’t matter to me. Its about finding a playstyle and fantasy. I think ignore pain might just kill it for me. I wish there was a talent that just gave me an extra block charge instead of having it. idk not every class is for everyone, who am I to advocate for change on a spec I haven’t mained.

well you are getting what you want they are reducing the amount of rage generation and increasing the amount ignore pain mitigates by 30%. that said the reduction in rage generation also hamstrings our avatar uptime along with shield wall uptime. with the added bonus of the 30% not enough to make up for the loss in rage. basically they ignored brewmaster, and ignored the current meta tank and decided hey lets nerf prot warrior.

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Can always count on random classes catching strays. Lol

Hand Pain?

Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Just Ignore Pain.

Ignore pain? More like ignore brain.

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