I was looking at someones forum profile and noticed a new dropdown box at the top right. Seems to have an ignore option now??
Also, on my own page I can see Trust Level: regular (I’m trust lvl 3) which definitely wasn’t there before. They must have been doing some updates. Anyone else see this stuff?
e: You can do it from your own profile too:
Hmm mine says trust level regular but I am tl 3.

Guessing regular is for tl3 because my non-tl3 characters don’t have anything in that spot.
And my profile pic is missing! 
Ohh hmm probably. So if I put you on ignore right now would this thread disappear? (Im gonna try it,no offense!)
Maybe. It actually has a timeframe when you ignore as well? Seems like a weird implementation.
Can still see thread but your replies are hidden. Your op just says Ignored content 
Ooo this one was not here while you were ignored! Maybe it actually does hide new posts once you put them on ignore.
Neat, my trust level is member
Wonder what that means
Notices my trust level is Regular … 
…At least the old way of checking trust levels still works, cause it’s actually helpful. 
My alts have basic user(they never post ever) and I have regular(TL3). Seems level 2 is called member.
This is very useful info. I knew about the Ignore because I read about it over on the Discourse dev boards. Talked to Blizz about it. The way Ignore works as a feature, they have to assign that Ignore feature permission per group. Which is likely why the groups are showing. Very cool. I just did not know WHEN we would get it rolled out to the main boards.
Good observation skills on the group names!
Oh, and the updates went through about a week ago. Guessing they are a bit sidetracked with other things right now. Kind of fun to find it on our own.
This changes things completely. Good move. Now there’s no reason to see people whining about posters since ignore is at their fingertips.
Easier to wear shoes than to carpet the world.
Good changes all around. Blizzard’s making good choices today.
Though I think you have to go in to your own preferences to manually Ignore a poster if they have their profile and activity hidden.
Mine too. They might as well replace it with “pleb” because that’s what it means if we aren’t level 3. 
Yep,just make sure you add their server as well,like Sierrapaw-Stormrage.