Ignore all the addon haters

If they don’t like addons, then they don’t have to use them.

The mass majority of us like customizing our UI.

Most of the addon complainers are just asmongold’s 30k viewers.

If you disagree with him he perma bans you, so all his viewers are just a massive echo chamber that just copy what he says.

We do not need a wow2, or a reset, and addons are a customization choice that is not required.


Always considered him WoW’s version of Howard Stern if they got him at Wish or Temu.


dont worry, blizzard ignores us all anyway


I’m not sure opening new threads about something is the best way to ignore it.

I used to hate add-ons because when I first started playing the only question I’d get consistently is “Why is your dmg so low?” to the point it aggravated me and made me go back to FF14 multiple times, but after getting a hang of the game and learning rotations, plus PVP a lot. I had started to like it after a few years. I didn’t like the feeling of finding add-ons to make the gameplay better. I felt if it was meant to be part of the game wow devs would put it in.

Regardless I think its a lot for new players to have to worry about so much at once but maybe that’s just me.

I think the ONLY valid point they make is IF blizzard is designing the game with any addons in mind…ie making mechanix harder because the addons make it easier.
That would be seriously dirty to do that kind of thing.

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And well they should. We aren’t the most stable of sorts around here.

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I’m not saying we’re all crazy but anyone who’s spent any time on the forums has looked into the chaos and come away… different.

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Yes they do.

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No one, except maybe Asmongold, is arguing that all add-ons should be banned. Most folks are fine with UI add-ons (though it must be said that the default UI has a lot of options now and you may not need an add-on if you’re just moving some elements around).

The add-on debate centers on players feeling like add-ons are required to participate in group content. There’s no way to know if you’re performing well/doing enough damage without an add-on, many groups require the use of a raiding mod like DBM, and some fights seem designed with the assumption that you’re running add-ons (regardless of whether or not that is true).

As long as the game is not designed in a way that treats the add-ons as required features, add-ons are fine.

Disclaimer: I do not currently run any add-ons. Not because of any firmly held belief. I just don’t need them right now and I think it’s a hassle to keep them updated.

more like wow’s version of alex jones


He’s not really WoWs version of anything at this point considering he barely has anything to do with the game anymore lol.

Appreciate your entirely wrong, and self-serving post that says nothing aside telling people how to play while telling people not to tell people who to play.

Blizzard devs have stated multiple times that they design encounters with the assumption that people are using addons, and have acknowledged the arms race between encounter design and evolving addons.

They aren’t mandatory, as high skill players are able to do the encounters without them as they will eagerly tell you so you know how good they are. But the encounters are designed for them.

Its not always about X mechanic is solved by Y addon, but more that addons increase overall player awareness to a point that encounters are designed with more complexity to keep the challenge up while addons are reducing the cognitive load.


Asmon is basically your classic “I got mine so I’ma pull up the ladder behind me” guy. He leveraged addons heavily all throughout his time playing wow. Now that he’s got to the point where he can get carried by gibbering followers with zero effort, he wants to remove addons from others who actually need to play the game to get the rewards they want.

Does having to get addons suck sometimes? Sure. Can blizz be trusted to replace addon functionality when it took them 20 years to get to the point of a stripped down version of Bartender? No. No they can’t. So since we’ve established that blizz can’t program their own game well enough, idiots like Asmon want to remove our only recourse to correct the issue??? What kind of deranged logic is that?


It is pretty fun watching people who are clearing heroic dungeons trying to say how you need 27 WAs and 18 different addons just to play the game

Literally playing the mode you can do with your eyes closed

Being sane is so boring tbh


Yeah, I don’t like addons but having played the game for 20 years gives me enough insight to know that Blizzard would never be even capable of replacing their functionality in any capacity if they were removed lol.


i always thought his name was “Ask For Gold”