Ignite busted?

Just played a round of solo shuff with a fire mage and his top damage ability was Ignite (dot) and it was averaging 1M+ each round. Is this an exploit, bug, or number tuning error?


Seems to be some kind of bug causing the damage to multiply, based on other threads posted here

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Something along those lines, I think.


Lmao, seems legit

kalvish cheesing everyone these days lol

Yeah & all the mages are abusing it knowing it’s bugged. I would expect it to get fixed pretty quickly if it’s brought to their attention. Let’s hope it’s within the next few days.

Normal ignite ticks should look between 40-60k depending how much damage you got in that combust window or how much turreting you are doing.

Example of a normal ignite in a warlock I just dueled. Could hit 60-65k prob in arena with flamecannon stacked and a full uninterrupted rotation easily. That should be the max we are seeing

Edit: If a mage has like rune of power/dark arch and other stuff like monk orb debuff on target it could be higher obviously. In 2 months with ROP prune and 15% dmg buff + fire rework and obviously full gear we’ll see higher as well

You can also dispel the combust target after mage pops off and that will neuter his ignite damage as well.

To me, those ticks seem so large. Maybe, I am just out-of-touch. I always compare them to an arcane blast or arcane missile wave. Those ticks are passive for several seconds and they are doing more damage than a cast.

Odd stuff. Is that intentional?

There’s a talent to increase its dmg by 100%

Can also run mastery gear and certain talents to amp it

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What soda said.

Your also giving up 15% max health to do it so you die pretty easily

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Thank you both for your replies! :slight_smile:
