IGN: FF14 > WoW

And they’re all stuck stuck here playing wow. Funny isn’t it?

This thread is, frankly, the perfect example of people sticking their heads in the sand to ignore the problems happening around them.

You don’t care about IGN’s “opinion” because you simply disagree with it. You don’t care about Asmongold’s opinion, or Bellular’s opinion, for the same reason. Fine, but expressing it in an open forum where there’s a cornucopia of dissenting opinions disagreeing with you is antithetical to addressing what is a major, growing issue.

The fact of the matter is that people do care about these observations. Being sick of hearing about it all the time does not make it any more or less real.

Ahh yes, IGN, one of those “gaming journalism” sites that wanted dark souls to have an easy difficulty setting.

Yeah naw, Ima pass on taking them seriously tbh.

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FF14 is pretty bad in terms of being a MMORPG in that you have reasons to stay subscribed to for a long time. It just lacks meaningful content.

Being able to unsubscribe for months at a time without falling way behind isn’t necessarily a bad thing though.

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While FFXIV is a fun game - and nobody can honestly deny that (if they’ve gotten past ARR).

There’s a reason 10/10 - IGN is such a meme. They’re often wrong. Horribly so.

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IGN…for non-gamers pretending to be gamers.


IGN: Your sole source of opinion.

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Ashes of Creation is going to top them both

16 looks really good from what I’ve seen.

13 and 15 both looked like crap (actually played part of 13 and it was bad) but Square Enix seems to have really found its stride again. DQ11 was also a great game.

If you want to play as a female, there’s always Nier for you. It’s not like Square is against female protagonists.

Same :+1:
idc what IGN has to say :rofl:
It’s the same with Rotten Tomatoes the movies they don’t rate highly I love :man_shrugging:


Honestly, if FF14 gets the top spot, it gets the top spot.

I don’t care. I still play SWTOR and ESO.

I don’t need my games to be “#1” for me to enjoy them.

Well maybe i should have qualified it a bit more. Most other mmos with better pvp are also pay to win. So which mmos are you referring to

If FF got rid of the anime graphics, made a decent story (theirs is worse than WoWs) and stopped allowing people to boost and P2W so much I’d go there

Some probs tho…

  1. Wow’s graphics are cartoony, also anime-aka animated. wow isn’t the pinnacle of game graphics.
  2. wow doesn’t even have a story, they throw whatever in to fill expansions. FF14 has an excellent story that is thought of 4 expansions ahead of time.
  3. wow has “p2w boosting” too and guess what? In neither game can you p2w the knowledge and skills of jobs/classes.

You make it sound like wow is the pinnacle of game design.

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Which just highlights that they don’t know what they are talking about or that they are casual players only.

The gearing in FFXIV is bland and the pvp is dead, there’s no proper gearing incentive either and you teleport into everything with very little reason to go out into the “open world” which is not so open because there’s loading screens between them.

The hilarious part about all this is FFXIV uses WoW’s old core systems that made WoW the #1 MMORPG on the market. Remember the old gearing system with badges that people have been asking Ion and his team to reintroduce for years? Yes, those kinds of systems.

I would agree though FFXIV is the top MMORPG on the market right now. Who actually enjoys playing Shadowlands lmao

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You missed the point.

  1. I am aware of FF story and frankly if you think that’s well thought out…. I don’t know what to tell you. It’s an absolutely absurd storyline.

  2. when I say anima art style I think everyone except you knows what I’m talking about - where it’s difficult to distinguish between male and female characters. There aren’t any western style warriors etc. basically FF is like sailor moon and I’m not interested in playing that I prefer lord of the rings

IGN: WoW is number one
Squeenix: you sure? offers Fat Black Chocobo mount
IGN: nevermind, FF14 is number one

Same here!

Yeah unless there’s a gay, straight, asexual, pansexual, male, female, young, old, black, white, and everything in between on the team, I won’t play it. Otherwise it’s just straight up discrimination!