IGN: FF14 > WoW

Yoshi is at the peak of his career right now, being the first person who has to manage both FF14 and FF16, i’m glad but also hope it doesn’t stress him out.

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Really now is the time to pressure Blizzard to improve their game.

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Yea for all its faults wow pvp is still the best for mmos. I do not think its the best pvp game out there though as there are many others that are a better overall pvp experience.

I think if a company had the maps blizzard has with action combat or tab combat with good abilities they could easily take this niche from blizzard.


Oh definitely, I’m heavily interested in Riot’s MMORPG that they announced considering both Ghostcrawler and Xelnath have had some involvement in it. PvP was enjoyable for me when they were still with Blizz, so we’ll see where that goes.


I miss mop pvp so much man :confused:


I have no intentions of purchasing FF16 if there is no female character on the team. They did this with FF15. I did this once as they made an all female cast with FF X-2. So I could understand a game with an all male cast. Yet I didn’t anticipate becoming a reoccurring theme. I will not support again. It’s like if after X-2 they produced another game with an all female team again… I don’t understand what is going on with their logic over there.

I will repeat… I. Will. Not. Purchase. Another. Final. Fantasy. Single. Player. Game. With. No. Playable. Females. On. The. Team.

What if they did an all female cast again like X-2 would you be supportive of that? No. I like both in my team. On top of that I like having a variety of species etc. Everything. Probably why my fav FF consisted of one of the most largest and diversified team. Moogles included. :heart: That’s right. I want me my moogles on my team. Umaro can stay benched but he was not bad people, and I value he was an option.

Whoa what?!?! Even though it’s supporting tencent I might change my stance on that game

“In the end, I never repaired some of the broken relationships that happened around that point in time, but I am proud to say I recruited Ghostcrawler to Riot, who in addition to basically running creative, is also helping with a certain League-themed MMO.” - Xelnath

This was off of the MMOChampion thread titled “Xelnath, Zelnath, what happened to that guy?”, I can’t post links so this is all I can give.

Okay that ones pretty good.


I personally don’t care what the male to female ratio is in a given game but, its nice to hear your thoughts.

A while back IGN once tried to copywrite one of my Mass Effect videos. (Nothing I have is monetized) Despite that I created and uploaded it without any IGN influence

Told them to pound sand. If Bioware or EA wanted them down I would have complied as it’s recording of their creation but IGN was just trying to bully for their own site and monetize off my views.

(spoiler, I won as YouTube removed the copywrite strike)


Didn’t help that one of thier writers was copying other people’s reviews almost word for word


I definitely didn’t need IGN to tell me FF14 is the better game. WoW even making 2nd place tells me more about the state of the genre than anything



Considering they just recently released this article it would be weird if they still side with Blizzard.

What are you talking about? What’s between a person legs and what they do with it is THE most important factor of anything!

By pushing so many players away. Great isn’t it?

According to the FF XVI website there will be at least one female character on the team - Jill Warrick.

Debatable. If you find the best pvp in all mmos “being stun locked for ages” then you haven’t tried other mmos. I find wow’s pvp to be the most annoying thing ever and the worst part about it. Devs dont care you sit in rogues stun lock till they kill you.

agree that if ff tightened up the pvp experience there would be very few reasons left to stick with wow’s 30 new grind systems per xpac these days

I’ll trust IGN when Imagine Party Babies doesn’t have a higher score than God Hand.