If you're unsubbing, consider this

Honestly, I have to have a real talk with my people come the weekend. I find myself struggling to remain subbed with such information now out there, and I imagine most of my people will be in the same boat. Most of us are married, engaged, or have been with our significant others for years at this point. Some of those spouses, fiancees and significant others are in the raid team such as my girlfriend who wants nothing to do with Blizzard anymore, and I cannot blame her for such an outlook.

Frostwolf Banditos may be moving on this weekend to other games. We’ll change the name. But we’ll still be a community. We’ll just be in a community in a place we’re more comfortable in. Or, maybe something else happens that shows us we can remain with Blizzard. But based on what I read? I don’t think that’ll be the outcome.