If you're on an intel mac and not crashing, post here

It’s working again on 2012 Intel Mac Mini, plated for a few hours last night for the first time in 15 years


I am using a 2.9GHz MacBook Pro 15.4 inch from 2017 with 16GB of Ram

I run on macOS 11.5 (Big Sur) and it works just as well as it did in 9.2.5

I usually run the game around 30-50FPS depending on the content I’ll limit it to what it can handle and I run it at low quality settings.

For you to think people have to be lying just because they have a game running on their macs is wrong of you, maybe some people are just liars of course (trolls etc) but not everyone is trying to mess with you. Computers are finicky and you and I could have the exact same computers and mine might just work better and or not have issues.

Even if the specs are equal they’re not really equal. No two things are the same. Anyways… I’m sorry that you’re unable to play friend ):

a 2017 macbook pro would have avoided the AVX2 cinematic crash, and because you cap fps, you avoid the memory leak too. You dodged two bullets Bairon :smiley:

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What’s the AVX2 cinematic crash? I just skipped that cinematic since I’ll watch it when DF actually releases.

intel cpus that didn’t have AVX2 instruction set would crash when any cinematic started (it was finally fixed lasts night btw). any machine that had AVX2 worked fine for cinematics at least.

I’m on a 2019 iMac i7 with 32gigs of ram. I"m not crashing, but i’m having issues with horrible framerate drops while playing. I’m going to re-install the Old OS because the game play is so terrible.

this “fix” is really not one at all. it’s the same thing you told us to do. i still see my desktop for a while before i get to the character loading screen.

i’m better served tabbing out and going back to the game. why is this so hard to fix? i cannot believe this is over a video. it used to be you played it once and then it never showed up again. now it’s screwed up the boot sequence of a game

the question is still valid as to why avx2 became compulsory for this expansion pack.

the only thing that’s changed in the APPULL (say it with both cheeks full) landscape is the introduction of the small-brain processors, though i read support came just in time for shadowlands.

makes zero sense to use avx2 for cinematics when the previous approach was working fine.

plus, is the game distinguishing between M1s and intels for video? because we know the M1s don’t have AVX. why add avx for intel processors when they didn’t needi t?

thanks, pro.

you came to this thread nearly a week late and you’re showing your pro skills with your amazing insight.

people are liars, and the real problem is still a strange one.

why enable AVX on this expansion pack for intel macs when M1s don’t have AVX support at all?

i am thinking it’s just a big cover because the peabrains need to feel good about spending 2000 dollars on a mobile phone in a big piece of metal.

Why are you still arguing about this? It was already turned off and it was a compiler bug, NOT intentional. Its not like a designer went to work and was like “how do I F over intel users today? I know i’m gonna enable AVX2”

The reason why M1 wasn’t affected is because the arm compiler would never flip on AVX2 since arm cpus don’t support AVX2. even if flipped enabled it’d go “-arm? ok no AVX2”. Same compiler, same setting.

A lot of build process is automated and one of the flags in compiler was flipped to on (which tells it to compile AVX2 instruction automatically were possible) and that’s all there is to it. It was caught right away but due to nature of pushing out fixes, it had to go into a hotfix branch with many other fixes and go through like 3 days of QA before released. there is no conspiracy here, move on from it.

i think you’re misinterpreting my position. i am not saying blizzard is doing it on purpose to spite intel users. rather i think blizzard is trying to cater to the “new guys” aka M1s, and sometimes will make mistake at the expense of intel users.

the conspiracy is only on apple, whose CEO lacks a brain and decided selling devices with mobile processors with outrageous profit margins (i bet these boards cost no more than 2-300 dollars to produce–TOPS) was a priority.

i can’t wait to see PCI-E standards on ARM rofl. it’s going to be the funniest thing on the planet.

i wish the PPC and ARM eras were comparable, but they are so different that any reference to the former for the latter is inadmissible.

Stop your conspiracy talks, that is just bs. Also there are bugs on the ARM version, people write software and people make mistakes, it happens. I think the Blizzard Apple team is doing a great job, cheers for that.

Do you know a mobile board for PC is usually more expensive to make then a desktop board, I guess that says enough about your knowledge :wink:
Peace, go and play and have some fun in the game.

yes, your very coherent response suggests you’re very knowledgable about this topic.

stop buying stocks based on what you read and then justifying your decisions by “i read it, so it must be true”.

what you’re saying is so unbelievably wrong. it may cost more to DESIGN the CIRCUIT, but the PRODUCTION cost is FAR lower. but you wouldn’t know that because APPULL.

i laughed at the tools who were stuck at 600 pre-split in 2014, and i laugh at the tools who are holding it now. buckle up buttercup!

edit: omegal is there any way to remove this annoying nag screen? the PLIST shows minimum version of 10.14 so is this version check compiled into the binary?

Finally not crashing while playing…until main storyline quest where you get an extra action bar for an,…“Arcane Stepping Stone” (I think that’s the item). It turns me in to a purple cloud and the game just shuts down with an error. Log back in and drop to my death. Not sure if that is a Mac problem or a general game problem, but I cannot further the main questline until this is fixed.

Despite your attitude toward others here regarding how things currently are, I’m still inclined to do what I do best - help. You can disable the OS nag with the following Terminal command:

defaults write com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft DisableOSVersionCheck YES

That will kill the nag. It will not kill the :warning: that shows up on the character select screen notifying you that your computer is “out of date”, but it will prevent the modal dialogue popup that occurs when starting WoW (either manually or via the Battle.net app).

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They really aren’t. blizzard as a company gives almost 0 care abou mac support. They fixed this crash same day as pre patch but waited til friday to push a fix because it was just a mac issue. an issue affecting windows and mac got rushed into a patch the next day. memory leak also affecting only mac users? they had that fixed days ago, and it’ll probably be days before we see it. Why? it’s just a mac issue.

It’s a miracle we have apple silicon support AT ALL. It wasn’t done because blizzard was like “ooh shiny new M1s” it’s cause one person at blizzard convinced people above them that supporting apple silicon also meant supporting windows arm. and they heard “windows” and went “oh then it’s probably worth doing then”…if they hadn’t also gotten windows arm out of it, mac would have been left on rosetta 2 forever, like the rest of blizzards macOS games.

the state of mac support is bare minimum at best. If anything, older hardware is usually more advantaged provided they can run the latest software. In fact, as of right now, apple silicon users can barely play wrath classic right now, apple silicon specific performance issues and flickering. Fortunately, despite blizzard stance on mac support, there are people there that still fight for and care about us enough to do their best, when they are allowed to.

BTW, apple silicon isn’t crappy mobile processors. in fact they are so good it forced both intel and AMD to restrategize and they’re still sweating and worried about apple’s next moves. Apple silicon is actually great for CPU market as a whole. The larger issue is that an all in one solution is non upgradable and effectively a throw away machine from day it’s brought home. I doubt apple will ever restore egpu or even pci-e gpu support to their SoC. They are in market if building really good premium throw away hardware. That’s always been their business model and they are perfecting it for mac by making them non upgradable. That’s the unfortunate part of it. it’s just whether you want to stay in that ecosystem (I will cause it’s my work platform of choice). Fortunately they are powerful enough to not need to throw it away every year or 2. I’d say apple silicon machines should easily have a 3-4 year life cycle. Still expensive life cycle though.

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first of all answer my question: is there a way to remove the nag screen?

secondly: i didn’t say they said “ooh new shiny M1s” but instead “hey this is a new base of users we may need to support because the mac userbase is infested with pathological upgraders”

in terms of your argument about ARM being “so good” it forced AMD and intel to restrategise, you’re sadly mistaken. the problem is that ARM wants to punch outside of its weight class and then use the thermal argument, which makes it harder for AMD and Intel.

lets be clear about what this APPLE CPU is: it’s an ARM architecture with some fancy bells and whistles. it’s nothing original. they were crying about nvidia’s acquisition because nvidia would have benefited immensely from using arm-style shader cores in their GPUs.

i’m using a machine i bought 10 years ago so i wouldn’t call all offerings “throw away hardware”

if you knew a lot about processors you’d say having a different compiler for each architecture would be nails in a coffin. arm is the undisputed king of throwaway processors. MIPS, on the otherhand, is the exact opposite.

i don’t want to have a protracted CPU argument in this thread but i will say there is no real comparison of an x86 vs an ARM. only anandtech has sold out and tried to make them equivalent (or even shamelessly argue that x86 is ‘losing’). i would love to see what ARM does with more power because it probably won’t make them better. they’d get their izass kicked. right now they can sleep tight with the thermal argument but the hammer will eventually come, if compatibility alone won’t bury them like it did in the embedded market.

I already answered your question. It’s two posts above yours.

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This thread is way too technical for me. I’m on a Mac. It’s 6 years old. I’m not crashing, but the game has very bad lag to the point where it is unplayable even though my latency and fps are normal. My internet connection is stable and download speed is 220Mbps. This happens with every expansion though. Blizzard always treats Mac users like second or even third class citizens based on a false assumption that Macs are inferior. Either they just stop building the game for the Mac platform (and we all go away) or they get on board and support Windows and Mac. I’ve been a Mac user for 15 years and a WoW player since Vanilla. I’m not going back to Windows just for Blizzard’s shoddy production work.


I have an intel mac 2019 with monterey, 32GB. My mac worked flawlessly until 2022, when blizzard began to release pre-patches for Dragonflight.
After the first patches, WOW started to cause kernel panics. The more patches blizzard released, more and more unstable WOW became:
At first, I have a crash a month. Then, the frequency increased to one per week, one per day, and now, If I launch WOW, I can’t play more than a couple of minutes before everything crashes. I even deleted everything and reinstalled WOW fresh, but it is useless. The game is soooo unstable now that it is impossible to continue playing anymore.
Thankfully, it happened before the due date to renew my 6 month subscription. I’ll quit the game since there’s no solution for this problem.


I’m going to ask for a refund. I just reuped for 6 months right before DF prepatch landed and now I haven’t been able to enjoy the game at all because of the fps and stutter. When I comment about how this game isn’t working all I get are windows users gaslighting me and telling me it’s my imagination. smh. And Blizz - again - is ignoring Mac users. If they don’t want to support Mac users then they need to just take the Mac label off the game and stop taking our money. Every expansion it’s like this for Mac users and I’m tired of the abuse.

I just downloaded the game a few days ago on macOS 12 (fully updated) and the recent patch to 10.0.2 is installed.

The game runs flawlessly at 5K (50%) scaling (the default setup). I’ve even maxed out the graphics to 10 without any unexpected issues.

The ‘expected’ issue is that very infrequently the game will ‘skip’ a bit when entering a new area, but ALL MMOs do this on my machine.

I only have DBM, GTFO, BTW Quests and Threatplates installed as add-ons and still no issues.