If you're going to reduce damage output and give every class a heal

Make it so that offensive spells don’t cost mana, and make healing spells cost mana only

oh wait thats retail isnt it
damage reduction aura, pvp and pve different damage, offensive rotation does not cost mana but healing does.
no one wants season of retail

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It seems most SoD players want SoR.

Have you heard about 40 man raiding?

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There’s no Classic players left, it’s just retail-lite players. They absolutely want “Season of Retail” because all I see on forums is more abilities from retail, more retail mechanics, heroic dungeons/raids, resillience/no wbuffs. Someone should tell them retail is still live.


To be fair, some of those things like added mechanics and dungeon difficulties isn’t really what makes retail retail.

The issues are more systemic with checkpoints and to do lists of skinners box styled game, similar to mobile games. You can only progress so much as determined by the system and you have a list of things to do each day/week/month if you don’t want to fall behind.
It dictates how you should play.

Want to farm a rep you need? Sorry only X daily quests you can do for that. Want to farm honor? Sorry it’s capped at X. Didn’t do your 10 M+ dungeons? Sorry you are a guaranteed mythic level item behind now.

They had admittedly walked some of those issues back in terms of catch up mechanics I believe in Dragonflight (can’t confirm as I haven’t played it) but it still is a big issue.

Personally I’m not for retail class design in SoD though either, I like vanilla/TBC style class and ability design over retail.
But I also don’t think actual class or encounter design is the biggest issue with retail. (Except for mana. Blue bars on caster dps purely for nostalgic/aesthetic reasons is stupid when they provide next to no function)

For me and a lot of people its the fact that making everyone do the same dps waters down class value. Feral in Classic Wrath was creeping in on the issue where, if they did more trash damage, there would be 0 reason not to run 20 ferals because of their innervate and brez value (not to mention they take 30% less damage from every mechanic).

Good thing they dont.

I remember when retail was bad. Very happy these gameplay loops are a thing of the past with Dragonflight. Very excited for the future of retail now that they’ve removed time gating and mobile game chores.

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Well we wouldn’t have to ask for harder difficulty levels if even the slightest bit of push back from pve content didn’t send the community into a spiral about the big mean green dragon with too much health

Why play the peewee hut JR MMO if you want difficult PvE content in the first place?

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Think the bigger issue was the design philosophy. Season of Discovery was meant to be a “casual, easy to enter” experience, but Eranikus had 4million hp with a top guild struggling to kill it, while using a terrain glitch to help them meet the dps. Kel’Thuzad/Sapph is an example of a Vanilla boss that is the perfect balance for an end-boss.

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I mean as of right now, playing mage was already very mana intensive, and now with these changes, you have effectively reduce my mana pool to like 1400 mana. I cant even kill some players with 50% or 75% mana. If i get viper stung once not only am I out of the game for the next 30 seconds, but I will just die. Just disappointing change really with 0 thought from the developers

Glad to hear confirmation that they have indeed changed. Definitely a positive step forwards.

Giving powerful instant cast heals leads to similar problems as powerful instacast dmg spells

Hmmm… that certainly is an interesting take.
I’m not sure I agreed with it entirely, but I think I get where you are coming from.
In the essence of “if everything does the same why wouldn’t you take the best stackable utility”

However I don’t think that has really ever played out over WoW too much. Every issue of class stacking from Warrior’s in vanilla, to Rogue’s on specific fights in BfA, to the many occasions we’ve seen Warlock or Mages stacked has been almost exclusively due to their damage at the time being significantly better than the competition.

I also think there are more necessary buffs that each (or most) classes that can bring which make stacking classes for dps less efficient.

The worst case of this has been, and always will vanilla/classic where more than 75% of your raid should be a warrior or you are playing it wrong.

Hey Buddy, have you ever considered the fact that sod pvp was a complete joke before the change? Have you considered thinking about how stupid the burst was especially if you were a melee running into all caster teams that can kill you in 2 globals? Get real

Try retail,every class has a self heal.