If you're a female dwarf and you know it

I’m a dwarf with gigantism

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Start packing on the pounds then.

the day they let me play a proper dwarf lady, complete with beard is the day I switch to alliance.

This is one of my cute little dwarf ladies.


Most of us don’t want to chain ourselves to Tolkien’s version.

Most of us find nothing attractive in women with facial hair.

well most people never reach enlightenment. (also tolkien never actually said female dwarves have beards, that was an invention of the movies.)

I for one love short hairy women who can drink me under the table.

Nothing’s wrong with short, hairy women, as long as said hair, in regards to the face, is limited to eye brows and sideburns.

thats boring, gimme some nice soft sideburns I can run my fingers through.

Most of us find nothing attractive about dwarves. Facial hair wouldn’t be the deal breaker.

Well, you’re radioactive.

Don’t feel like switching so…
Satrenta, Female Dwarf Hunter.
Oubliette, Female Dwarf Warrior.
Two of my alts.
Also have a female iron dwarf warlock. I forget the name. It was a random name generated.


I said sideburns were acceptable. Bruh.

Just sayin’…shorter than my legs with arms thicker than my legs? No thanks.

From time to time I’ll do the reflecting prism/orb of deception trick to turn my Z troll into a female Dark Iron Dwarf but I wouldn’t be able to handle that for more than 5 minutes.

Whatever you say, you knife eared mana addict. :smiley:

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We are what we are, stumpy.

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i have a female dark iron dwarf i leveled for the heritage armor, does that count? she’s one of those alts at the bottom of my list ill probably never touch again.

I must have missed that… apologies oh fellow enlightened one!

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have been since 05 and proud of it she was my first main and i always try to cap her out even if i spend more time on the lock for the last decade


Locks really aren’t that fun this expac. :frowning_face:

i know but i am determined to get it right also im on dif server so the hunter has to wait till i get around to her as she is still on my original server for oldtimes sake