If your character were a dessert, what would they be?

first off… i’m canadian, so… that does’nt really apply in this situation.

second, it’s only a hint of cinnamon. like, you get all that delicious strawberry goo on the cheesecake with a little bit of spice in the after-taste. :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there such things as a Kombucha Milk Shake? Lendorana would be that, she’s a Wild One

I’m a Brit living in the States, I make fun of the cinnamon thing every chance I get, mind blowing to me.

Do not think for a second that being Canadian let’s you off the hook, you should know better!

There is also no such thing as a “hint” of cinnamon, if you taste it you’ve ruined it already!

Please note I am just having fun, much love to you my Canadian friend, I served with some Canadian MP’s in my time and they were so awesome, I have so many great stories, such cool people.


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Mint Chocolate Chip !

idc its not dessert.

Strawberry Jello. Plain but sweet.

Bill Cosby? Is this you?

He was Jello Pudding Pops. Which Jello probably desperately hopes people do forget about.

Steak, medium rare.

Probably Overloaded Cookies and Cream Ice Cream.

The kind where the guy got lazy and you basically have full cookies mixxed into the ice cream.

my hunter would be steak well done.

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