If you were to work in World of Warcraft Universe

People cant miss an opportunity to whine about “what many others are”. The question is working in World of Warcraft Universe, not ON World of Warcraft Universe or Blizzard.
You cant “rewrite lore” being a Character in the Universe.

And many people really like what they get and dont go whining in all threads “the game is bad”.

That may be why it doesnt take the shape this “vocal minorities” want: Everyone else doesn’t.

Chef in Stormwind, possibly Old Town…

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Too hot at the crossroads. I think I’d like something near SW so I’m close to the city without being in the city…. Gotta think about that commute though… hmmmm.

You know what, I’ll work at stormwind castle in the library. Great view of the lake from the courtyard area where I’ll eat lunch. Quiet. See a few famous faces… yeah’ that’ll work.


If its me myself, I’m getting into the Repair business and becoming a billionaire

If I become my character, guess I’m stuck killing stuff


If my real life self was the object, that is actually true. Lived in similar “environment” (at least as appearances go) in Africa, and even when it was “cold”, it was hot. But I actually visited places which look very much like the Golden Road in the Barrens.

As the character I was thinking about was my Orc, she might be more adapted to such an Environment. lol

(I know, Frostwolves. But she is Blackrock.)

In time, the Blackrock clan joined with the other Mag’har orc clans under the command of Warchief Grommash Hellscream. As the Mag’har and Lightbound clashed, events on Azeroth would see to a new war between the Horde and the Alliance. In the midst of this, Eitrigg sought to travel to the alternate Draenor and call upon the debt the Mag’har owed to the Horde for liberating them from Garrosh Hellscream’s meddling and the Burning Legion’s corruption.


Studying something in Dalaran, and doing field studies as well, basically anywhere in the world I want, as an excuse to travel and see it all.

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options trader at the auction house :moneybag: :cowboy_hat_face:

With our powers combined, the story would be back in tip-top shape.


Getting paid by the hour to set up Holiday decoration would be cool.

For me i’d be a engineer making gadgets. I’d want to encourage pandaren engineering why should gnomes and goblins have all the fun.

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Making brew in Ironforge and getting drunk with the dwarves … hic


At my age with my health and my physiological hassles?

I’d be dead within a month.

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I love that train of thought. The heck with typecast personalities.

Yoshuyilu’s Engineering Enterprises ~ est. 2021

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maybe open a Wendy’s


I’d have to get a good job because I’d wind up giving you a lot of money.

I think I’d make a good buck making portals for drunks to get home.

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Well, it would have to be in Pandaria since the farm is my home. I would teach the Pandaren the ways of the Druid. They are a very nature wise race so they would be a perfect candidate to train in the ways of Druidism.

Sir, I only play in the world of warcraft. In fact when it starts to feel like work I ditch it, cause I wouldn’t make ze monies and that’s like the only reason to have a job. Might be a few more reasons to have a career, but job, not so much.

Taurens are not going to like this!!

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Orc Engineering would be nice.

Blackrock Sprocket. lol


I would be a assassin for hire, old habits die hard :man_shrugging:t3:

I would own a spa in Orgrimmar, I would recommend the poop baths over mud baths. The kodo dung will smothen your skin better than the mud.