If you were to work in World of Warcraft Universe

Where would you work and what would you be doing ?

Me, I would be the Blacksmith in Crossroads. Lots of good memories from vanilla to WotLK hanging out there. It seems until Cata a good place.

Present WoW, I probably would move and stay at Pandaria, Blacksmithing too, but in the Valey of the Four Winds. No cata changes there.


I’d try to buy the Legerdemain Lounge in Dalaran, and sit there and drink espresso all day.


I hear Dalaran is a Magocracy. Good luck as a hunter with that. lol (jk)

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I’m gonna really think about that. Fun question.


If I had magic? Be a druid or shaman healing parts of azeroth that have been destroyed or studying the arcane/fel/magic in dalaran.

If I didn’t have magic? Any job that is in a major city the hell away from the multiple world ending threats we face every expansion lol.


See… That is how I thought of all my alts parked in the Tree. Then Blizzard burned my Tree down. I figured the Tree was a backwater and it would be “safe”. A place where your alts could chill out, do AH stuff, cook and fish. Boy was I wrong.

Now I think you need to find some out of the way place that no one cares about and chill out there. Because if Blizzard thinks enough people “care about a place” I’m sure they’ll nuke it in the future… just to stir up some passion and faction conflict.


Desolace. Feralas.

Before and After the Cataclysm, nothing much has happened there.

I mean, after Dire Maul stop being a thing, and not even a good Dungeon. lol


I really enjoy hanging in Feralas. I run double gather now, and Feralas is a great place to level up professions. I have a Horde Rogue hanging out there right now.

In WoTLK I spent hours there fishing and picking flowers. Farming stuff and listening to the zone music…brings back memories. :slight_smile:


Whatever the azeroth equivalent of a neet is

Unless getting thrown into Azeroth somehow cures my chronic pain and I can actually do something with my life

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Truthfully? Probably the driver/transport in Silverpine or rando priest providing battlefield flash heals

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I used to be around those parts back in vanilla when I played Undead. It was a nice place until Cata and Sylvanas “gone and made a mess”.

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Meditation/Martial arts teacher in Pandaria.

I’d be an enchanter in Suramar. Perhaps dabbling in rare ancient tomes as a side job. Enjoy my sundays reading and sipping on fine Suramar wine, pockets still holding traces of arkhana from the work week. Occasionally look up to see someone donning a poorly manifested illusion and wonder “what are you hiding?”


I’d like to be involved somehow with the holiday decorating teams throughout the game. I’d enjoy setting up the festive decor and celebrating all the seasons like that.


Probably at the bank like I do irl. :joy:

Could you imagine all the weird issues they have there. Like how smelly those guild vaults must be with all those fish feasts and extra pets running around in there.


I’d like to set up shop in Thelsamarr, Loch Modan and be a gunsmith. Always one of my favorite zones. Have a nice little apartment above the shop. Just need to convince someone to open a coffee shop to satisfy my needs. :yum:


I bet you’re a nice person. Everyone who works at a bank always seems so nice.

That sounds charming. I can see you doing it.


I’d be a flightmaster. People just walk up and pay you. No responsibility, no work, just stand there and get paid.


You have the right idea!


Vrykul hunter in Grizzly Hills or Reclaiming Lordaeron with a Paladin Army

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