If you want to give the holy paladin an Identity - Focus on Auras

Hear me out. I have been playing the concept of “Paladin” in all games, Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, Ragnarok, Lineage II, and WoW all my life. this concept is one I love and enjoy that is why I am crazy about this concept. This is the reason why I play it. In all other RPGs Paladins have Auras that help the party in a rage wide. We have talents here and there that do minimum. but overall while they are impactful to some extent I will say it can be better and we could attach auras to our core spells.

In RPGs like DnD auras give bonus modifiers to simple stuff like resistance to fear for example. I will not create a list of things that I wish but I think Paladin should have 3 auras 1 major and 2 minors that should toggle in different talents and depending on the aura you should have specific per role and class trees to improve these auras.

Like Aura of courage - can give DR to Protection.
Inspire DPS for Ret.
Increase healing for Holy.
In the fantasy world paladins portray beacon of hope and inspiration. this is the concept of the aura.

How do you prevent these Aura’s from requiring 3 paladins per raid, assuming the aura’s work for the group and not just the paladin?

Paladins aren’t casters.

Holy Paladins should be hitting things just the same as Rets and Prots do. Generating healing off of melee damage should be the theme of Holy. Holy has no business wearing a shield, either. Shields are for protecting yourself from damage, shields being stat sticks for the longest time in this game is beyond dumb. Get a big two-handed weapon and smack things. Basic and obvious theme.

They got Holy wrong from the onset of this game, 20 years ago. Wearing a dress and casting from 40yards away - the antithesis of the WC3 Paladin. Dumb.

I’m right btw.


This is not about casting. I agree with you that we should not cast for healing.

Auras are not spells are passive extras you give in your to your party because of your presence. and I agree I hated to farm the cloth robe of stratholme just to have a non Raid BiS :slight_smile:

I like your concept of a holy paladin but you misunderstood the concept I was trying to bring.

I will say Daiza, you can have long-distance auras and small-distance auras. We could say also, make a difference in 5-man content vs raid content. I think is time.

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