If you view Trolls as pitiful tragic victims of colonization, but not Quilboar, you are undeniably a hypocrite

I see very often, people talk about how tragic and mistreated the trolls are, how horrible what has happened to them is, how they’ve been ‘colonized’, by humans, or elves, even by Night elves (not sure how that makes sense, as Nelves are ALSO native to Azeroth). And I’ve also seen to a much lesser extent people express this view about Gnolls, how they’ve been aggressed upon by ‘colonizing’ Stormwind humans. And while I think viewing WoW through this lens is completely and utterly one of the most repugnantly pathetic and idiotic things you can do. I’ll engage with this perspective.

So if we care so much about this, why don’t we feel the same pity for Quilboar? Or really, ANY pity, at all? I’ve seen people feel bad for the cannibalistic (And not in a wholesome ‘recycling’ way, in a chasing down people and ripping them apart while they’re alive and screaming cannibalism) Gnolls, and in comparison, Quilboar are much MUCH more progressive in their culture! They’re honestly, as of Warcraft 3, not really much less technologically advanced than the Orcs were, they’ve got their own strong culture, religion, magic, they do agriculture and animal husbandry, very egalitarian, and unless I can see cited evidence I’m not going to believe they’re cannibals (eat sapient life forms), something even the trolls can’t say they aren’t, they’re not a case of some barely sapient race like Murlocs, Quilboar are a pretty smart race. Also it’s worth noting, their patron god and progenitor Agamaggan played a pretty big role in stopping the Legion in the war of the ancients, that alone should grant them a little bit of charitability here.

What horrible thing did they do to deserve being forced out of their home by the orcs? Other than, being in a place where the orcs wanted to live? Why don’t we feel even a ounce of pity for them? Are they not being brutally colonized and cleansed from their lands? Why are we shedding tears for the moustache twirlingly evil gnolls but none for the egalitarian Quilboar?

You might bring up them using necromantic magic, but this is literally just something they HAD to do out of desperation because they’re on the verge of being driven to extermination by orcs and their allies, once again an extermination being carried out because they were in way of where the orcs wanted to stay. Orcs, under Thrall’s leadership, are trying to do to the Quilboar what they were hoping to do to the humans on the Eastern Kingdoms, exterminate them so they can reside in their lands.

But! There’s more, what’s even cooler, is orcs didn’t stop at trying to exterminate one indigenous people from Durotar and the Barrens, they’re also trying to remove the Harpy’s, as well, and don’t give me any of that BS about how they’re corrupted by old gods, I don’t think that if they were absent of old god corruption they’d be like “Oh yeah, orcs come on in and compete with us for resources and take our land! It was the Old Gods who made me think that was bad!” And it’s not like the orcs want to get rid of the Harpys out of some desire to stop Old God influence, it’s the same as the Quilboar, they’re in the way, and if you’re in the way of orcish
‘living space’ you deserve to die.

So why don’t we care? Because so long as you’re not a Human, or Elf, or Dwarf, you’re allowed to kill and exterminate any race, and it’s not colonialism at all, but when Humans or Elves do it, it’s horrible and a tragedy a wrong that must be righted and Blizzard is showing their ignorance by making the story implicitly approve of it! Yeah, right.

To reiterate, viewing WoW in this lens is stupid, but if you’re going to view it that way then you need to stop being a hypocrite, you don’t get to talk about how tragically colonized Trolls are but view another race that’s close if not just as intelligent as dumb monsters who should all die or leave their homelands forever.


Thats something i often point out to the people around me.

Orcs colonized Kalimdor, its even shown in war3 TFT duirng Rexxar campaign.

Thrall literally ask Rexxar to kill numerous ihabitants of the Barrens because “they are attacking us!” or more like, they dont accept having people stealing their lands.

You mention Quillboars, but hey not the only ones : harpies, centaurs are also victims of the orc colonization.

I am an harpy supporter, and even rp as harpy sometimes, and in such cases well, i am in my good rights to push the orcs back from my homeland.


I did mention Harpy’s but I didn’t want to center my point on Harpy’s because they’re more primitive and also old god corrupted, which I guess is the only reason why they don’t like being killed by orcs, without that they’d totally be happy to be killed by orcs. However neither of these things really justify killing them.

Well the Quilboars still have their ancestral lands under their own control. The Orcs never tried to take Razorfen. The Amani however lost everything due to high elves and humans taking almost all their stuff. That is a huge difference.

Literally makes zero difference, Durotar was theirs, having Orcs in Durotar threatens their ability to survive as they take resources. Orcs in the barrens and Durotar are a existential threat to their ability to survive and thrive as a culture. Just because they didn’t lose their sacred lands means nothing, and by the way this isn’t for lack of trying, you have quests to go and kill them in Razorfen Kraul and Razorfenn downs.

So, literally irrelevant. Also again, it doesn’t matter. They’re both being killed, you yourself have said that humans settling in Lordaeron is not okay why would orcs settling in Durotar even if Durotar wasn’t packed to the gils with Quilboar be okay?

If one is bad, both is bad. Will you concede that Blizzard is doing a heckin’ problematic thing with their writing by not writing a story about the oppressed Quilboar gloriously removing their orcish colonizers from their land?


The survival of the Quilbaors is not challenged by anyone. The Amani however are broken. You only defend the high elves because they are alliance as usaul.

It literally is it’s basic reality, more people = less resources.

They literally had to make deals with the Scourge to survive dude, blatant context clues. Which is what you’re doing with the Amani.

Is there any direct evidence you can cite of the Amani starving to death in Zul’aman due to the lands they lost?


The survivors fled to Zandalar my dude. we nuked them twice. The Amani are the biggest victims of the story because Blizzard wanted to have the humans control most of the world.

They fled because they kept attacking the Helves and later Belves. Unless you can cite that they were starving in Zul’aman they are just as sympathetic as the Quilboar, unless you’ll concede that lost land = lost quality of life and ability to support a population. But if you do that then the Quilboar are in the same position.

If Amani are victims Quilboar are victims.

How dare you call us “primitive” ?!!!

Yes i saw, and i have something to say about one point :

As far as i remember, the old god corruption thing was never really canon, it was a speculation from players.

So yeah, they are not old gods corrupted, its just that since their mother Aviana was gone, they started to get messy.

Orcs still kill them, you still have quests telling you to kill them because “they are in the way”

Fair enough, according to the wiki, on pg. 185 of the Ultimate Visual Guide “Their use of shadow and void magic, and mentions of ‘new masters’ may imply that they’ve fallen victim to the corruption of the Old Gods since the death of G’Hanir.”

But, I can’t actually check if this is true, I don’t own the ultimate visual guide.

Yeah, but the visual guide is a bit old, and even in there as it says "its “implied” that they are old god corrupted, we did not see anything in game that confirm it.

Its why if you notice, in the wiki it is in the “Speculaiton” section

I would not thus say its “a fact”

Nothing agaisnt you here, i just want it to be more clear, as poeple might use it as an excuse as you said, but considering its not even sure its even dumber to use it to justify their killing.

No no that’s fine I’m not really attached to this idea at all, if anything it proves my point more because people can’t say “umm umm void influenced therefore we can kill all of them”

I’m just more or less explaining why people tend to believe that since it is sort of obscure, also the WoW lore community has a lot of literal head canon that people treat as canon for basically no discernable reason, so while the notion of Harpy’s being void afflicted being mostly outdated and unfounded we can at least say it’s better founded than a lot of the literally no-source headcanon on here lol. Still I’d probably say it’s not true until we get more direct confirmation.

The Blood Elves joke about having steak because the Tauren are in the Horde…

Makes me wonder if there is Quillboar bacon anywhere.

I really did not like when for example in Chronnicles v3, they said that threats started to appear in start of Vanilla because “it was the old gods!!!” Like yeah right, centaur started to get more agitated because of the old gods…

That was so silly, and yeah its a lazy writing device, the “its corrupted so its evil” its really bad, but they used it as excuse for many things we killed, i am glad they go away of this now.

Thats a fair point! But, it was also reported (in DF) that there is actually harpies that are being more pacifist now, since the return of Aviana.

And it destroys nuance and accountability. I want people to do evil things because they have desires that conflict with other peoples desires, not because they’re just crazy.

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Well, yeah the Quillboar are. There’s just way less Quillboar killing in the game.

I have said it before and I will say it again. The irony of saying the Alliance are “colonizers” while ignoring the Horde has been taking quillboar land is palpably ironic.


Why would anyone views Trolls, orcs, etc as victims? The only time they really were “colonized” was when the High Elves made a city by accident on their sacred ancient burial grounds, and that was just a giant oops.

Meanwhile… Trolls have legit caused any and all wars that weren’t full on Legion invasions. They’ve tried to conquer and or eat everybody else on Azeroth completely unprovoked… same with Orcs minus the eating part.

Gnolls are just a slightly less widespread version of Trolls, they literally make human skin tents.


Well. And the whole “night elves pre-Sundering” thing.

I find the whole argument rather silly, but if we’re gonna go and list the times trolls were pushed out of their lands, we kinda do have to go back to the beginning.