If you still don’t believe blizzard cares (loot trading)

Idk what to tell you boys.

No loot trading in 5 mans! LETS GO!!!


Blizzard has changed things based on our feedback multiple times.

Some people just want “Blizzard listens to us” to really mean “Blizzard does everything that the group I agree with tells them to do”.

A lot of these people will also deride Blizzard as “ruining retail because they catered to the community’s crying”.


I know they have which is what I’m saying. That’s great! The things they have ‘changed’ based on our feedback was on pretty universal outcries. The things they have changed was only to make things more authentic.

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Most of what they have added in has been far from bad when they have responded to feedback from the people here.

The AV decision, that one is hard to say if it is right or wrong.

The version they are going with was in Vanilla. It came out before TBC. I know why so many people liked the versions before it. I started playing in 1.1. It had so many mechanics in it that made you feel like you were helping in a battle vs just jumping around in a game.

However, those older versions took forever to finish and did push a lot of people away from playing in the battleground.

The honest truth is, to get a version that matches what people want from both sides, they would need to make a new version that never existed in Vanilla. That would go against what the point of a Classic server is, bringing back the gameplay that existed in Vanilla.

So, they went with the more user friendly version. Good idea or bad idea, I am not certain.

Ya I’m not adding that it with the ‘blizzard listening’ becasue this isn’t an issue of authenticity but preference. They didn’t really change anything with that update they just let us know what was going on. Everything else was them changing something they already had planned in order to make the game more authentic

But that’s bad.

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Smart business decision. It doesn’t mean they care, it means they want our subs and reversed a universally disliked decision.

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Now I can’t ninja an ironfoe or felstriker and hold it hostage for gold?

That was my plan for affording an epic mount. WTF Blizzard! :wink:

Well in that case no game has ever done anything ever because they cared.

Now you can ransom off Eye of rag or Bindings ! Even more profit :smiling_imp:

The original blizzard cared as evidenced by Warcraft 1-3 and classic WoW. Activision, not so much.

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Yeah but I actually need masterloot or something for that. And I could just reserve those things and auction them or something. I don’t actually need loot sharing for that.

And do I really want to organize 40 man pugs? I will probably just do that with my guild. Scamming randoms out of dungeon loot is more of a side-gig.

Why did you think this post deserved it’s own thread?


Oh so those games were because they cared and not because it was a smart business decision but now it’s because business… lol you do understand that Warcraft 1,2,3 and vanilla all made way more money than classic is going to right?

You do understand that the changes they have made for classic to keep it authentic literally made them no more money than they would have without doing so right? They didn’t have to do it and yet they did.

LOL and this is exactly why we can dismiss every post you make as trolling. Blizzard is making classic to protect their IP rights. :roll_eyes:

Every decision they make is to recoup as much money as possible and you have zero clue what that will be.

Loot trading in 5 mans is bad. But so is loot trading on raids.

Want to run a pug raid but think gbid is a greedy scummy thing to do?

TS, now the person who won it is going to sell it. It’s gbid whether you want it to be or not.

Want to keep a blacklist of people who do it? Good luck, name & shame is harassment under blizzard’s guidelines.

I don’t have a problem with blizzard making us, as players, come up with our own ways to deal with the shortcomings of their games. However, I do have a problem when they create new problems for us to save a little money on a game that will be 90+% profit for them while actively prohibiting us from policing ourselves.

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I’m not talking about classic itself I said the changes they made in these last updates (more phases, no loot trading)

Please comprehend before you post otherwise you’re just going to continue making yourself look like a fool :frowning:

Irony. It’s not just for breakfast anymore.

Check the post history and you will see why. Straight up trolling.

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Again, if your going to comment stuff like this it has to make sense dude.

To clarify I comprehended what you said, and directly responded to it and stated in context. So you just made yourself look like a fool again man you gotta stop it’s kinda getting sad.