If you sign up for a key where the keyholder asks you to commit to stay

you stay…plain and simple.

And yes, that means during week 1, when it’s an 8 and everyone’s trying their best, you stick around and make an effort…otherwise, dont’ sign up for the key…how hard is that? The language in the description clearly said that we were doing this for vault, we were most likely NOT going to time …you agreed to this…

More geared than me healer lists a nelth 8, we’d been in there for about 40 minutes. We were at the forgemaster boss and had one wipe.
Mouthy demon hunter (why is it ALWAYS these guys…?) calls all of us baddies (after not having said anythign the whole run) and then just leaves.

what is wrong with people? The keyholder said that if you join, you agree to stick around so we can all get vault. It wasn’t a cakewalk, but we weren’t struggle-bussing that much either. We probably would have been done in another 10 minutes.

Thanks DH, you literally wasted the rest of everyone else’s time in the key. God sometimes I wish this behavior was reportable and grounds for action. Blizz seems to like to ban people in their other games for leaving…so maybe they can lock someone out of the public keyfinder for a while if they abandon a key that’s in progress…


The keyholder isnt entitled to other peoples time regardless of what they say


couldn’;t have been more clear in the defintion of the key. If you agree to that by joining, then it should be something you’re held to within reason and as far as I’m concerned, this key was doable.

We were still in there less than a hour, if we were wiping and wiping and wiping…i’d understand, but …yah…whatever. As I said, if Blizz wants to punish people in their other games for “leaving,” then they can be consistent about it.

Well, Blizzards other games have nothing to do with WoW. So, whatever policy they have for OW or diablo, who cares?

Here though, they are consistent. You join any instanced group content, pvp or pve and leave early, you get a debuff.

You are responsible for forming that M+ group however, not blizzard. You chose the party so it is on you if you chose poorly.

That is just the way it is. No, it does not feel good and i think we have all had leavers and it never feels good at 30 seconds or 40 minutes in. No one owes you time or even an explanation, its just a game, not the end of the world. It happens, you just deal and try again.


I personally think if Blizz ever should implement leaver penalties, it should be only on keys listed as completion.

Hard disagree on this new ‘It’s your fault cause you put the group together’ mentality. When the keyholder clearly states their intention for the key and you agree to that by joining that key, there should be some accountability, or at least protection for the keyholder should someone bail. There’s this pervasive forum mentality that all keyholders are chomping at the bit to waste everyone’s time who joins and ‘hold them hostage.’ I’ve been in my share of terrible keys, and yes, I’ve left plenty - I fully understand that a fair penalty system would be tough to figure out to differentiate between the genuine dc’s, and someone who just decided they didn’t like dying. But I’d most likely still get behind a penalty for leaving a key listed as completion. Or Blizz could just get rid of key depletion. Who cares if we get more tries til we succeed - it would make for more keys and groups being run.


Ever heard of etiquette? The OP clearly stated that the group leader made it clear that it was a completion group, so someone leaving after just one wipe is obviously incredibly douchey behavior. Tbh even if the group leader had just listed the group as a “+8” and made no clarification that he was just aiming to complete the dungeon, leaving after just one wipe on the 3rd boss is still unreasonable behavior. For starters, the group very well could have still timed the dungeon if that’s all the DH cared about. It’s only the first week of the season, which makes it extra stupid for the DH to leave, even if the dungeon could no longer be timed, because he would still get Vault/gear/crests from completing it. By leaving, he just wasted everyone’s time and effort, including his


Its an online game full of people you will never meet in real life i garuntee you etiquette isnt exactly someones top priority when dealing with strangers online


Random people are the worst part of M+.

Was doing my BH +8 last night. We weren’t encountering issues, the DPS just wasn’t there for it to be timed. We were going to be about 2-3 minutes over. Paladin dos literally leaves right before last boss.

It surprises me how violent my thoughts get when this happens.

At the very least I really wish we had a system where we could rank people (social rating) or a way to block an entire battle net account from ever showing up in your future Qs.


We’ve been talking about this being an issue for a long time.

It’s always the players that say nothing, do the least, and have the most awful attitudes that end up doing this.

I don’t mean to stereotype, but if someone joins my group with un-mogged gear and says absolutely nothing when prompted, they get booted immediately. I do thousands of keys every season, and these are by far the most common people to brick your keys.

While the group lead is not entitled to my time when I sign-up to a pug, I typically ask “is this a comp key?” after we wipe 1-2 times just to make sure everyone is on the same page of “we’re going to complete this key, or attempt to”.

Asking isn’t hard, but again, there’s no reason for these players to learn from their mistakes because there is no punishment for this behavior, so the worst of humanity comes out.


If they ever implement a deserter system for m+, it should be for keys listed as completion.

(maybe a free to leave time after 1 hour.)


The guy said they were at forgemaster 40 mins in, theres no way that thats one wipe. Theyre already 5 mins over the timer and still have half the bosses and 30% of the trash.


lol 40 minutes at forge master is yikes I don’t blame people for leaving that sounds like it was a mess. people are timing 15s and 16s week 1

with in reason is not 40 minute in wiping to forge master

that is within reason. No leaver keys can go quite a bit over time.

The solution is to not join those keys.

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I agree. I have ran keys week 1 that were way over me and spent a couple hours in them. They were with guildies though. This is why I don’t join “no-leavers,” pug groups as you just can’t trust that people are there for the long haul.

Being in chat with people helps in those ridiculous keys too because sometimes you need to get creative and have a dps step out to double heal a boss lol.

Sorry for those who have been in this keys and have had this outcome. I can only suggest building either a group of bnet friends or join a guild to run those kinds of keys.

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I think most people tend to respect ‘completion’ being in the title of a dungeon, but everything has it’s limits. Expecting limitless patience and time out of strangers will always leave you disappointed.

until the people agree. now they have passed priority of their time to the keyholder.

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I could get 2 rlp 10s done in the time you are asking to finish one that is in no way reasonable. personally I dont join those groups because they are almost always bad player wanting to slogg through a key and expect people to deal with thier bad game play

I join those week 1/2 or even up to 3.

In season 1, had a very long 20 RLP. Just to keep things in perspective, end tier mythic bosses take hundreds of pulls, and that’s by good players.

sorry you are upset that people dont owe you their time