If you saw this when you started playing WoW would you assume it was fake?

Yeah like that. I think theyā€™re called degrades, I could be wrong

Well I wouldnā€™t assume it was a picture of something real.
Not something alive anyway.

No Iā€™m assuming itā€™s some kinda giant lizerdā€¦

I donā€™t get it either. OP, could you explain more? Why would someone think it was fake?

Iā€™m glad people are asking this.

I wasnā€™t sure if I was suffering from brain-fry or not.

I genuinely have no idea what the question is about.

The only thing which troubles me about that image, is the name having 3 vowels in a row :crazy_face:

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Playable Djarin, pls.

Seeing a dragon character on char select screen with class as ā€œevokerā€ in like 2004-2012

I started playing in Wrath and Iā€™d think this was an overly high-effort fake leak.

I donā€™t like how the Dracthyr look very much, but WoW was NOT a very good-looking game graphically in 2010.

Man, we were proper Trolls back thenā€¦

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As others have said, assuming the graphics quality matched the rest when I started, not at all, it is a fantasy game with fantasy races, and that coming from someone who played WC1,2,3 and all expansions prior to WoW.

Iā€™m confused.

The OP seems to be insinuating that Dracthyr donā€™t fit in WoW, and so if there was a picture of them back whenever each person started playing as an option to play as, if they would have thought it was fake because of the first bit.

Oh I think I see got you.

Not really sure why a sub race of dragons canā€™t or wouldnā€™t fit in with a game that has space goats and cow people in it. I personally think that players that canā€™t wrap their heads around the Dracthyr race is just being a bit closed minded to the whole idea that WoW is a made up world.

Now that you mention it, when dracthyr and evokers were leaked in a written post (no pictures), I think about a year and a half ago? a lot of people thought it was a fake leak.

So your thought that nobody would have believed it in the earlier game makes sense.

Just saying if they would think itā€™s fake if they saw it with no context not that it doesnā€™t fitr wow but just from a early wow perspective

Thatā€™s an ā€œI just ripped a quiet, ripe oneā€ face.

It was state of the art at the time lol.

I need a little bit of a nudge to understand this one. Maybe someone else already cleared it up? Iā€™m still kind of confused about the point of this post.