If you played Vanilla

What server/faction did you play on?!

I played on the server Elune - Horde!

Magtheridon, US PVP


Blackrock Alliance, Malganis Horde, Tichondrius Horde

Eldre’Thalas Alliance

Deathwing Horde - 2004 - 2006 (Vanilla) - original account, sold
Deathwing Alliance - 2007 - 2011 - second account, active
Deathwing Horde - 2007 - 2011 - third account, active

Thunderlord Horde, then Jaedenar Horde, then transferred to Firetree Horde and still there to this day.

Dethecus - Horde
Darkspear - Alliance

Sargeras - Horde - UD Rogue and Priest.

From Day 1 - midlife of Wrath.

Bronzebeard - Ally - Dwarf Warrior

Alliance on a PVE server was a different pace. I still have the warrior he’s level 100. Never got him up past there, his inventory and bank were too full of unobtainable stuff so i just let him be. I’m enjoying the PVP server alot more than i thought I would.

To be honest I don’t remember the server…
but definitely was pvp, definitely was horde, Druid of course.

I played Alliance back then. Think it was on Uldaman.

Alliance, Shattered Hand
Went horde in TBC, good times.

I played Alliance - Moonrunner

Ner’zhul - Horde

Opening day 1 - Arthas! Owner of the collector’s edition - mini diablo

Arthas - Horde

mannoroth - alliance
akama - horde

Dark Iron - Alliance
Mug’thol - Horde

Alliance - Mal’Ganis!

gurubashi - horde