If you played BG's 40 hours a week for 3 months you still won't have a full set of pvp gear

You should grab the ring from spirit shards and use a pve one. Honestly you have plenty of time to grab off pieces but if you’re holy I think someone said you guys don’t have access to the healing off pieces until s2 so yeah.

I thought it was blue. I’ll look!

That’s what I have now.

Lol, gross. Been there done that.

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I feel that. I don’t play my shaman anymore because I did the whole shaman arena to glad in TBC and I had no interest in trying to force that to work this time around. It was a lot more forgiving back then. So yeah those off pieces are totally worth your time now. I don’t think s2 brings any new stuff except for a ring for you.

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When do we see upgrades to off-pieces, then?

S3 I’m pretty sure!

Yea I’m down with increasing honor. Just like leveling it’s just a slog you have to do to get to endgame

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The honor rates are fine. Especially if you participate.

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And I feel like they aren’t. I really would like them to crack down on people who afk though.

Got 280 from a win where I got a flag cap. Aight just do that another 65 times and I’ll have my boots. Not asking for anything crazy ;something less than prepatch for sure

But it is what it is

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I’ve been getting 20-60 HKs per WSG with an 80% + win rate. It’s been great this weekend. Before that, AB was 50% + wins. AV usually does well with honor, even if we lose.


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Name calling is inappropriate.

Please don’t.


Yup! I’m able to play maybe once/twice a week for a few hours. Honestly in my mind this has been the plan I’ve decided to go with for awhile. Just play, try to have fun, don’t sweat the losses, and bank whatever I can make for when S2 rolls around.

I mean…even if I somehow got fully decked in current season arena gear, I know I won’t be hitting gladiator so I don’t really see a point in trying to focus on ratings right now. If I really felt like I needed the title I still have what—three more seasons to make that happen? And then once WoTLK releases there will be even more opportunities to get the title. (name that’s not even considering how blizzard will run the TBC server after Wrath launch…if there will be more seasons or what).

2 for 2 losses this morning in WSG. Still having fun.


We’ve talked about using more affirming language, little buddy.

For us rets ya the neck is debatable, I’m still using my underbog stam/resil neck. For rings you can go buy the heavy felsteel ring which provides more AP than the honor ring then combine that with spirit shard vendor.

That ring looks like a good buy. None on the AH ATM.

It is, you essentially trade a tiny bit of crit for more STR, even more if you have kings. Let’s you buy another piece of honor gear.

Anyone ever tell you to get bent?

Some guy’s mom.

She’s dead!

You monster!