If you played BG's 40 hours a week for 3 months you still won't have a full set of pvp gear

This is the reality of playing this game as a horde character right now. Unless you played classic WoW and farmed maximum honour and maximum marks before the release of TBC you will not be realistically playing any arena or real pvp this season. You are forever stuck getting farmed by people with gear and premades.

It’s a BG weekend so I decided to Q’d for 8 hours yesterday. I was able to make about 5700 honor or approximately 700 honor PER HOUR. I thought there must be something wrong with this so I decided to go again today and record it while I enter games. So far over 3 hours in the rates are basically the same.

At the current rates you receive honor it will take you OVER 3 months of playing this game at 40 hours per week (AKA A FULL TIME JOB) Just to gear a full set of pvp gear in order to compete with Alliance players and/or people who had honor before TBC was released.

Keep in mind this 700 honor per hour is on a BG weekend. This assumes the same extra honor rates during the week.

(I Posted an image of me screenshotting my honor gains the the times over on Classic WoW Reddit)


And that’s exactly where this HPH obsessed drivel belongs.


You consider the current pvp situation for horde players drivel why?
Instead of per hour should I say per game? Per day? Per month? What metric should I be able to measure honor gains?

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No, I consider the way you view PvP as drivel.

Enjoy BGs? Then play BGs. Don’t enjoy them? Then stop freaking playing them.


You are required to play them in order to play other parts of the game. If I didn’t have to do this then I wouldnt.


No, you’re not. You are the lemming. Quit being the lemming.


Alright sorry man. Will just Q arenas with no pvp gear.


I don’t recommend it. It doesn’t sound like you actually enjoy PvP.


No I insist. Your brilliant suggestion is exactly what I needed.

its amazing how the top of the brackets is full of fully geared horde players, they must have played bgs 120 hours per week since launch, right?


Maximum honor cap before TBC released (75k Honor) then 100 of each mark which you can turn in for 315ish honor with a repeatable quest.

ok so they didn’t need to play 40 hours per week? thanks for clearing this is up so quickly

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Not if you had this before TBC released.

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I mean, they ignored that same faction BGs are confirmed to be coming back permanently and that this very whiney thread already exists multiple times over. What did you expect? :rofl:

Where did they confirm it? So far it’s just been a discussion.

ya this napkin math thread made by horde who only pug and are in full greens seems to be a repeat performance, complaining about an issue that is already being fixed


It’s only the first non-stickied blue post, 4th post down of this page, and has only been cross posted in every single WoW-related community.

I think you linked the wrong post because there is no confirmation that it is comming back permanently in there.


Strange… I think my HpH is probably around 1.5k over all. I already bought 2 pieces, and I’m about to get my third. Time spent so far is about 20 hours.

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1.5k per hour? I think that plus the repeatable quest then sounds about right.