I don’t want to sound like a blizz fanboy because I’m not, since the launch of BFA blizzard has gone downhill, the reason I’m creating this post is to hopefully help you to realise, with you guys saying #pulltheripcord ETC and still paying for a sub to blizzard they won’t care because you are still giving them money, the only way blizzard are going to learn is if they get no income “from players” .
You will probably have more luck in the general section with this topic then the hardware section
thanks it’s my first time posting so i don’t have a clue haha, will do that now though.
Lol…what are you…judge, Juro, and executioner???
Why is this is the off-topic forums?
IKR - this section should really be in technical support or something.
Can’t help it but I can tell you I play probably 10% what I did years ago and a lot of that is due to Blizzard as a company. I mean I’ll sit out entire patch cycles and only come on when there is something fresh to do.
I honestly pay just to access the forum’s at this point. Usually get the 3 month pass since it’s cheaper, but lately I am wondering why I even pay that. Good work to Blizz for keeping the Games, Gaming and Hardware forum’s clean though.
If it was anything like General, wouldn’t even bother renewing my sub.