If you had to live the rest of your days in any WoW zone, which one would you pick?

I was just rolling a boosted alt and I’m starting the WoD stuff and remembered how much I enjoyed the expansion. I liked the feel of every zone and the characters were all pretty interesting for me as well. But as I sat there by the fire in my new garrison in Frostfire Ridge contemplating how to rogue, and considering leaving this alt in Draenor permanently to unlock everything there, I was thinking; If you had to live out the rest of your days exclusively in one zone in World of Warcraft, which one would you pick and why? (be sure to consider the food and sleeping arrangements too, some zones really would make for a miserable existence). Personally, I’m gunna be really basic and say Frostfire Ridge. It’s cold, sure, but the food is good, and I could imagine the ‘garrison’ being quite the thriving small settlement in an otherwise harsh land, as well as being the only place on Draenor with active artisans.

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My favourite zone was always Hillsbrad Foothills, specifically South Shore. The entire zone before the Forsaken ruined it was peak comfy.



Ungoro Crater

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Nagrand from BC for sure. Big lovely city, floating islands and plenty of work :sweat_smile:


I never really spent time in Southshore until recently but I agree, its a nice little town.

For me, Loch Modan. (Not far from Ironforge too)


i liked winterspring

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The one without DHs.

I’d do Elwynn Forest (non-Moonguard version). It feels safe, it’s close to the big city of Stormwind and it just seems like a good place to live.

In my headcanon for this character, he spent his childhood in Elwynn before the First War and then lived as a refugee in Lordaeron until Stormwind was reclaimed in the Second War. After that he and his family returned to Elwynn to rebuild and he became a soldier and then a paladin sometime before the Third War.

There’s a decent number of places that would be nice to live in. Lakeshire in Redridge, Kharanos in Dun Morogh if you like the cold, Thelsamar in Loch Modan, Aerie Peak in Hinterlands, Booty Bay if you are a pirate, Tiragarde Sound in Kul Tiras.




Post-war Suramar or Eversong Woods. I loooooooooooove elven cities :blush: they’re just so beautiful

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The abyssal depths.
I logged in one day my character was just there idk how it ended up there.
so must like the place… so ye there. for the character.
Persoanlly I liked Nazmir anything blood guts and gore sacrificial rituals is ok in my books is awesome for me for I am kinda very morbid and like that stuff
BTW Wow needs a gore mode bit like MMORPG “requim momento mori”
but better this is soft man.

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Jade Forest.

Beautiful place, nice aesthetics, cool historical ruins. That’d be my happy place!

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Grizzly Hills, that place was chill as hell

or TBC Nagrand like someone else said


Probably my garrison in Draenor. Everything was around me and easily accessible. There was even an inn with a bar! It felt like home… my own little camp.

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imagine the humidity tho!

jade forest is honestly the best zone blizz ever made-
loads of unusual quests, storyline, looks beautiful, voice acting, cinematics.
the zone is huge, if I go back there I still find spots I never knew about.

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Dalaran on the Broken Isles, I think.
Ability to access any point in the world whenever you need with mages on the side, gorgeous architecture, close neighbourhood and many cool visitors from all factions.


Grizzly Hills

I don’t think I need to explain why.

These green fields speak for themselves.

I’d probably go with Ironforge. Love dwarves, and snowy mountains. Life can be tough but worth it in the end

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