… what would it be and why?
Consider that you do not have the option of muting it, pausing it, or otherwise stopping it. It can be quiet, but it will be playing on repeat nonstop for the rest of your life. You have to deal with it. You are cursed.
A song you’re already aware of. Either you own it, you downloaded it, you bookmarked it, you saved it to a playlist, whatever. No googling the most neutral sounding thing you can find. It’s too late.
Let’s skip all of the “avoid the question” type songs in general. Instrumentals are fine, but no ambient / white noise, no silence, no “hidden track” songs with huge gaps between the listed song and the hidden track… no intermission songs that are clearly not meant to be a standalone experience. Those sorts of things. Yeah? Skip them.
My first thought was something instrumental. To make it a bit easier to fade into the background and pay less attention to. But I didn’t have much luck digging through my library. Everything was too somber, too heavy, too much bass, or it had some other quirk that’s fine for listening to it now and again, but would quickly make me go crazy if it was playing incessantly (for example, I love Hurdy Gurdy music, but the sound the instrument makes gets extremely grating after listening to nothing but it for an hour or so – I can’t imagine eternity).
So I gave up on that. I’m sure I could find something on YouTube, but I don’t have anything suitable. Non-English songs (to ignore the lyrics, at least) had mostly the same results. Mostly too heavy or too somber (lots of overlap on the artists here).
I ended up not finding anything that stood out as a “great” choice – I mean, you’re going to come to hate whatever you pick fairly quickly no matter what, right? – but I settled on this:
It’s one of my “calmer” songs, but without being super slow, sad, and, you know, stuff that’s gonna make me lethargic after an hour. It also seems just slightly… optimistic or something? That’s not quite the right term but we’ll stick with that. My only other songs that fit that bill are pretty blatantly Rock and Metal, which I tried to avoid.
(Also, if I wanted to hate myself and be incredibly anxious at all times: