If you had a new 3d printer what would be the 1st thing you printed?

more miniatures to paint

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Print out something meaningful for your wife. Even if it comes out bad, you can glue macaroni on it and she will love it. At least it works for the kids…

Nothing says, ‘Aren’t you glad we bought this? ‘ Than something for her. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If the 3D printer is a 3D Chocolate printer. I’d probably start printing random things in Chocolate just for fun.

My WOW toon.

A cane so I have something to wave at those darn kids on my lawn.

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A time machine

I like Yeggi for searching, it’s like a 3d print search engine, hits thingiverse, cults, myminifactory and some other sites. Although on a few of the sites they aren’t good in detecting what’s paid vs free.


and since someone else mentioned it and I happened to have that page still open, here’s a benchy for OP


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First would be figures of basically the entire cast of If the Emperor Had a Text to Speech Device. Starting with Emps, Kitten, Magnus and Rogal Dorn.

Once that team is complete, about fifteen or so of my WoW characters. Then my friend’s characters as gifts for them.

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Oh, and once I get the new head and the kinks out, the first thing I’m printing on my fdm printer is gonna be


Hmmmm. That’s a tough one. How intricate can these things render something? If fairly decent, I would go with a flying fortress because I am a bit of a history buff.

I’d print out an entire Mordian Iron Guard army…

Cool can you 3D print me a time machine please? I want to go back to the good old 80’s.

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Straight off the bat? Bas relief faction shields and/or emblems.
All of them. Horde and Alliance of course, then all the racial/realm/city/state emblems to go with them in a grand wall display.

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THEN, I’d start cranking out character statues if I could ahem acquire the SRT files for them somehow…

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The Sha of Fear?.. Xavius maybe?..

First thing off my printer would be some rack mount cases for my Raspberry Pi computers, Arris modem, and edgerouter. Then I might print a wall mount to get my mac mini off my desk. Finally maybe a Tux penguin (though I already have one of those on my desk).

Though there is also a tic-tac gun on Thingiverse.

I’d use the 3D printer to print a 3D printer, then return the original 3D printer for a full refund.


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All my fav WC weapons and characters.

Begin Old Man Rant:

It annoys me that these things are called “3-D Printers” when the more appropriate term would be a fabricator. The only reason people call them printers is because the first one was made using printer parts.

It would be like if we all called airplanes “Flying Bicycles” because the Wright brothers’ plane just happened to be made using some bicycle parts.

It’s not a 3-D printer. It doesn’t print anything. It’s a fabricator.

/Rant over

Oh, and get off my lawn! :crazy_face: