If you gave the Alliance essentially Blood Elves, give Nightborne Night Elf customizations

Like Nightborne I think have the fewest racial customizations of any of the races, and have pencil thin arms which makes many transmog sets unattractive.

Like atleast 75% of NE muscle tone, PLEASE

Like Blizz just copy/paste.



Yeah, the Nightborne need WAY better customization.

Even at the time it was like… “Wha… why did you make them look like this when you were improving all the character models?”


Yeah NB got shafted hard trying to get ready for BFA. In the SL pre-patch all we got was literally a bald head option.

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The writhered nightborne have a close enough model to help for a quick update.

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Nightborne absolutely need help, yes. But they shouldn’t get carbon copies of night elf options either. Just because Blizzard screwed one race doesn’t mean another should also get screwed.


I thought NB players wanted to be able to make their character look like NB NPCs.

Nightborne are supposed to be grotesque, vampire elves though.


nightborne are NOT night elves. this isn’t the same thing at all. nightborne are a separate, new race of elves. void elves are altered blood elves.

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Yeah but I’d rather get the others than wait 2 years, but that’s me.

No, actually, this is. Because Nightborne are just evolved night elves changed by the arcane. You are wrong there.

no, they are a new breed of elves, the same level of separation between night elves and high elves.

Give nightborne a withered option.

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Not only this, they had a whole warrior military in the city called the Spellblades, so why the flip can’t have have arms bigger than pencils?

nightborne definately need some attention on the scale of the original race model rework(i mean seriously am i the only one that thinks they just tweaked the old nightelf model by adding a different idle stance and called them nightborne?!), their model is as bad as the og worgen model

there’s no reason for a withered nightborne to still exist.

it’s like choosing to remain a cancer patient when the cure for cancer is created, it’s a life of misery and torture until you eventually die(only worse kinda for nightborne, since they fall into a horrific madness where they still experience suffering and rage and fear).

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I am all for giving nightborne more customization options, it’d be so cool to be able to make each nightborne character its own unique entity, but as we have now it’s all the same variation of three clones.

If they want they can replace the night elf leaves with with mana gems IDK. To fit the more magic theme as opposed to nature theme.

Could also make human and orc customizations fit them, at least hairstyle wise, how cool would it be to see nightborne with dreadlocks? Or even making the make up and eyebrow changes for them too, instead of being a only human thing.

Yeah nope. Call it what you like but we were given what was Alliance all along.

Nightborne would be better off having the NPC model and detail. That would likely make them more visually appealing than Nelves anyhow.

Even just looking at the NPC model he’s definitely hotter than your typical nelf guy. Y’all should have stuck with the burning legion.

Question is, will it happen?

The female model isn’t terrible even though they look slightly aging for a time-magic based elf. The male models are really rough in comparison.

Still love my NB and will still play this toon, but I would like new customization options, and BIGGER ARMS.

I would argue the scars from it could be permanent. There is a withered scar face option in game already. I believe I am actually using it right now.

I’m not sure there is a nightborne weapon with enough heft but I can see why they would be more athletic.

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