Main example, my main is engineer (keeping) and alchemy which I am thinking of dropping alchemy and using herbalism while leveling.
When I swap back to alchemy at 80 will I know my old recipes still?
Main example, my main is engineer (keeping) and alchemy which I am thinking of dropping alchemy and using herbalism while leveling.
When I swap back to alchemy at 80 will I know my old recipes still?
There was one expansion (maybe Legion?) where many of your profession recipes were learned from non-repeatable methods/quests, so if you drop and relearn a profession you can buy a book there that will allow you to relearn specifically those recipes that you wouldn’t have been able to get back any other way.
But in general if you drop a profession and go back you’d be starting it again from scratch (except for profession knowledge in Dragonflight, which would still be locked in just as you left it).
Thanks actually tested on my hunter right before reading this since she won’t be alchemy anyways.
Sure enough when I relearned it all my trees were still full but I was back at 1 skill ugh lol
Yep, it was Legion.
There were also ‘memory books’ for gathering professions, in BfA. But not for non-gathering profs. (This was because the gathering profs used quest progression to skill up in BfA.)
This is one of the most annoying things about this game. Depending on how old your character is, even if your current prof is dead and worthless you can’t switch because you will lose SO MUCH that you learned over the years.
You could say that ok, if it’s worthless then why does it matter, but things change so much if could be good one xpac and bad the next.
Not to mention some of the old patterns/skills are fun and hard to find or relearn.
Sure classic Alchemy may not be a moneymaker but it’s part of my character’s history you can call it silly if you want but I don’t want to just erase that.
I have vanilla recipes that are no longer obtainable, though I cant craft them anymore since the items required also dont drop anymore either. I like to not lose them for antiquity sake.
I pitched JC in my DK in SL and had zero regrets when I saw how pisspoor the lariat recipe and item balancing were. Farming that recipe would have caused me to quit the game instead of just tipping 2-5k for a craft and going about my day happily.
Zero care given to the wotlk-forward recipes I pitched when I the profession because JC was atrocious in SL on release.
I’m also never going to go back and craft those items. They’ve repeatedly nerfed twink sets over the years to boot. If something randomly has some value for more than 1 week I’m not going to miss out on game enjoyment because of what would amount to a few thousand gold. I wouldn’t even spend my game time messing around with that now honestly.
Yeah going into TWW I thought I might switch one of my alchemists (my second main) into another profession since I can share cross-faction via the warband bank now. But all I had to read was that rare recipes that drop will not be relearned, I decided against it. Even if I never need them again, the agony of getting them… no. So I’m going to try to stagger my toons differently than I normally would just to get ahead of things. I was way behind in DF because I couldn’t not wrap my head around how it worked. Specifically work orders.
I mean, you could have just ignored that recipe and gone on your merry way.
I dropped it before the lariat recipe in SL because I couldn’t make money without an extreme amount of investment for rank 4 leggos. Lariat just justified it further that it was the correct decision.
nope - really bad idea if you want to keep any of the past profession recipes/patterns. BFA used to let you do that but it was only that expansion and you started back with only base levels as well.
What is the Lariat of TWW though… this is the real question
if there is one I probably won’t learn it, I’ll just tip someone and once I get the first made I usually add them to my list for future seasons.
This is one of the things that warbands can hopefully address someday. I would have loved to switch up the professions on my main between xpacs, just to try different things once in a while. Losing all of those old recipes has stopped me from doing so every time.
Solution? Make all learned recipes warbound. EZ.
Yeah, it’s way to convoluted, I’m glad you said it.
I was trying to decide, finally, what toon to start the early access with, but I know now it really doesn’t matter from a fantasy standpoint. That being said, if there’s not much we can do about it, oh wells. Super excited though!!
I dropped alchemy on my mage since I had alchemy on a second toon. Only after I dropped it did I realize that I lost the ability to craft the two person mount that I spent hours grinding to learn.
I have been thinking about dropping one of my professions so that I can level another profession that is needed to get the Best Accessory for my Main profession. In my opinion this is out and out STUPID. The fix is easy - either make ALL PROFESSION items BOE or don’t make them BOP at ALL. Why should I give up a profession I have had since I started playing (Vanilla) for something that can ONLY be CRAFTED BY ME which is (ALL BUT) REQUIRED for my profession? Black Dragon Touched Hammer I am looking at you.