If you don't like Legion ret sounds this addon will get rid of them

Hello. Ever since the Legion rework, retribution has felt lacking not only from a gameplay point of view but also most if not all of its iconic sounds were replaced with… um, other ones.

No more, with https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/retcustomsounds, many abilities will sound like their older versions and you’ll recognize some other iconic paladin sounds from Warcraft 3 and even Warcraft 2.

While this addon is intended for retribution paladins, I guess the other specs can also get some of those sounds replaced.

Make sure you read the addon’s description before you download it.


I tried it. Great idea! However I really think that going after warcraft 3 sounds is a bit too much. But it seems very easy to code other sounds in, so I’m gonna try doing that.

I wish classic Exorcism sound was there. Edit: nvm found how to download it from wowhead


It is rather simple to code anything you want in there, my version has stuff from other games but I figured I’d keep it Blizzard and share that one.

Yeah it’d be nice if there was some sort of UI with presets for each expansion sounds, with each spell listed. Which is obviously more work, but it would make it more accessible.

For myself, this is enough, I’m definitely doing some tinkering tonight to make my ret sound like in good old days :grinning:

If custom sounds has no conflict with the ToS, it’d be awesome to get an addons that allows you to run custom sounds from your PC that can be swapped out on the fly.

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It is 100% safe, all it does is mute ingame sounds and play the ones that are in the addon folder.

Before patch 8.2 you could just create a Sound folder and tell the game to directly replace sounds with w/e you tossed in there.

Okay I tried to replace BoJ sound with Exorcism, but it didn’t work, even though the spell ID was correct (184575). I successfully muted the original sound though. I tried specifying classic exo sound ID (3320) and putting the ogg file, both didn’t work for me.

Also couldn’t mute metallic Judgment hit at close range. I just couldn’t find the ID of that sound. At 15 or so yards it stops playing, you can hear it only at relatively close range.

For BoJ or any other spell you will have to add 2 lines, 1 under the custom sounds list, spellID then your “file.ogg” and another under frequency and set it to 1.

Thanks! That solved it. Oh the eargasm. I wish I could modify the spell icon and graphics too. I even wanted to put it on my old Exorcism hotbar position, but realized that I press BoJ much more often that I used to Exorcism, so it was not comfortable. But feels so nice to hear the sound!

Unfortunately, wasn’t able to find the judgment hit effect at close range. Spent like 4 hours trying different searches on wowhead. They must’ve used some completely misnamed sound.

If you’re talking about the judgment sound that plays when it hits something then you have to look for the “impact” sound and not the “cast” one.

For mysterious reasons Judgment is listed as Hammer of Justice in the game sound files.

Wow, thanks a lot for the pointer, I’ve spent more time than I should looking for that. Now it’s perfect. Love it.

Doing The Light’s work. So looking forward to using a hammer and adding more THUNK sounds


Lol, guess it’s a matter of personal preference. I don’t like it but if you do I see how adding more of those can be hilarious.

Make sure you’re looking for hammerofjustice_impact, for some reason it’s listed as that and not as judgement in wow tools.

You might find that it was either a sound initially intended for Hammer of Justice, or Judgement was first called Hammer of Justice and changing sound files, while is fairly easy, adds a bit of busy work that 99.9% of the player base don’t need to see or care about

I’m gonna have to try this out. Can you also use the old flash of light sound?

EDIT 1: So I was able to replace BoJ with Exorcism sound as someone above which is awesome. But unclear how to use the flash of light from classic. I did find and download the .ogg files associated:

(cast time) - 568915 sound/spells/precastholymagiclow.ogg
(impact) - 569383 sound/spells/holylight_low_head.ogg

but unclear how to reference both in the .lua config file for a single spell, flash of light, “19750”.

Tried to use a sound pack:


[“19750”] = RCS_FOL, – flashoflight

But didn’t seem to do anything.


ok so in the original file, I found that these two lines were listed twice in the ‘muted’ section, once early in the list, then again later in the list.

1936458, – sound/spells/spell_pa_revamp_flashoflight_imapct_01.ogg
1936459, – sound/spells/spell_pa_revamp_flashoflight_imapct_02.ogg

I removed one pair. That worked, it muted the retail ‘impact’ part of the spell. The result was the ‘impact’ sound rotated between the classic ‘precast’ and classic ‘impact’. So I commented out the “precastholymagiclow.ogg”. Now my flash of light is retail cast time sound with classic impact sound. Which… is still preferable!

Have no idea what the retail sound is for cast time portion of the spell to mute. And even if I did, would the RCS_FOL know one sound was for casttime, and the other for impact? Well I’ll stop here unless someone knows how to replace both the cast time part of the spell and the impact part of the spell.

Can you link it ? I love the exorcism sound.

Is there any way to toggle specific sounds, I love the sounds just not too big of a fan with the templars verdict one.

Guess the simplest way would be to just delete every line you see related to templar’s verdict in the config file, make a copy of it before trying that.

It sometimes doesn’t synergyze very well with final verdict (who knows why), but it works perfectly with regular TV.

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Thank you for the addon. Hopefully you do one for feral Druid, they need it badly.

What’s the old hammer of wrath sound? I remember in clicking that button post WOD and thinking how muted and weak it sounded. “This thing is my big bad button? My auto attacks sound more epic.”