"If you don't like it, don't use it"

It doesn’t, even without RDF.

Meh, disagree. Preparation is everything. Doesn’t mean it has to take longer, but nothing wrong with the scenario in which it does. Usually it won’t.

“If you don’t like your job, why do you work?”

Try playing a rogue in TBC and then get back to me.


Been there done that lol

No wonder you’re a druid now.


I mean you’re not wrong, I basically wanted to play a class where I could sorta have a rogue-ish playstyle at my finger tips but be able to tank so that I had easy groups.

So yeah.

Goes tank for easy groups, is against RDF…

It’s all becoming more and more clear.


I mean anyone is free to roll a druid for the same reasons, or any tank class. I’m not especially privileged because I made a particular choice at the class select screen.

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you are just one more that dont want RDF because it will ruin your business.

you are free to not use RDF


Uhhh why im arguing with a troll… :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


I think the better question is why, if I’m just a low-effort troll, why you can’t seem to come up with any real argument.

You are free to play retail…

I mean you have come up with no argument


Argument for what?

As to why RDF should stay off the table.

We both know it isn’t fully off the table yet.

Pretty sure this thread is about why dont like it dont use it is a trash argument spewed by people who think nonsense is worthy of consideration.

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It negatively impacts the traditional group forming method to the point of extinction and thus reduces the necessary interaction typically required to have gotten groups going. This impacts server communities due to inter-relational conduct between members of that community simply ceasing to exist.

That’s just my opinion though.

This thread is about “If you don’t like it, don’t use it” being a dumpster-fire argument that holds no water.

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You mean it impacts LFG BB addon??

It impacts me whispering a group leader and going “hunter lfg” and either getting ignored or invited?

It impacts me being in the group listening to music and not talking as we pull wall to wall and aoe?

The good outweighs the bad 100 times over.

How you go about completing the dungeon, socially or otherwise, is actually not the point.

So then your stance is based off me whispering a person and saying Hunter looking for group?

To you that’s the social aspect that is missing from random dungeon finder that’s what this whole debate is about?

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Do you always jump into threads without reading the OP?

There’s a lot more going on when you ask in chat looking for a group, get invited, and so on or when you spam LFG looking for people to invite.

Yes, all that physically manifests may be a few chat messages, and an invite sent.

However that’s just a superficial summary that is ignorant of all the cogs and wheels that spin in that situation.

What you’re doing is distilling group formation and dungeon running down to it’s most possibly basic form, your most quickly prepared, and unsocial groups, and applying that to every group ever made for everything and that is simply not realistic.

RDF had an impact on player behavior, it had an impact on server community.

That’s simply fact.