If you don’t want TBC

I LOVE Classic. But I came back to kill Kel’thuzad. If I’m able to do that, it will be time to move on soon afterward, and there will be little reason to come back any time soon.

I prefer BC, but I wouldn’t play if they took away Vanilla servers just because I’d know that would mean BC servers would be going away so no reason to commit, I’d just quit.

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Sure. And all four of the options in their survey involved separate servers. Rejoice, as I am, at the very strong indication that they will never take away original-Classic.

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No, thanks.

I’m with you, transitioning Classic servers to BC means they are just rereleasing each xpac in order. And for that, I’m out.


I can’t comprehend why people are freaking out over this. Blizzard wont be getting rid of the 1.13 servers. Classic vanilla is here to stay. People need to calm down.

“years” lol. how much u wanna bet it’s out before summer 2021

Honestly, i will most likely quit. Im playing with a bunch of people and its been a casual fest and ive actually enjoyed doing things that way during classic.

Blizzard will most likely announce TBC servers and have them launched right before the end game raid patch for shadowlands. Then they will rush content just like you see in classic so everything is over just when the next xpac is released. Blizzard is literally using the ‘classic’ servers in order to buy time / increase sub numbers during the between last content phase for retail and new xpac

Edit: I have enjoyed my casual pacing / progression and considering my current progress will be hard reset because of the TBC launch i think i dont want to bother continuing the rat race.

The exact same could be said for the people begging and demanding a TBC release…

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If they apply the TBC patch to the classic servers, everyone will be forced to play TBC classic.

That was what triggered the call for classic WoW in the first place, as it fundamentally changes a huge amount of the game, and trivialized the original content.

This version of the game only exists because of the fact that everyone was forced into the expansion in the first place, so it isn’t really a stretch to think blizzard would do it to us again.

Only difference is that this time they MIGHT retain actual permanent classic servers.

Personally I find the idea that people are upset about feeling forced to do new content like TBC to be amusing. The game is getting ready to launch it’s 8th expansion, people have been forced into new content for the last 15 years. Anyone thinking they were going to release classic and walk away from it if it was successful is funny in the head.

Classic was either going to flop or pave the road for them rereleasing expansions as a way to keep the sub count up, and as I said from the beginning…if they found a way to recreate Vanilla other expansions would only be easier, not harder. Despite what they told you Vanilla wasn’t a love letter to players, not in the truest sense that there wasn’t an ulterior motive by the name of money underneath it all and because of that they’re not going to sit on TBC or WoTLK content while watching the vanilla playerbase dwindle.

That being said I do hope they take their time releasing new expansions. I’m hoping TBC isn’t live until at least August of next year if not closer to 2022, but we’ll see.

It’s hard to say when Vanilla was asked for. If you listen to the playerbase this game has been dying, bleeding, hemorrhaging, etc subs since at least WoTLK with “Wrath babies” ruining what was once a great game, or whatever. And I know some people don’t look at TBC with fond memories, which I find crazy, but to each their own. What I do know is that even if Blizzard does force players to TBC (based on the survey it looks like they’ll be releasing TBC servers somehow) that it won’t kill classic off by any stretch of the imagination. It will only make the classic playerbase stronger.

The old sub numbers for the Vanilla-WoTLK timeframe don’t lie. Thinking TBC is a bad move is actually quite laughable, almost as bad as trying to tell people you think you do, but you don’t.

The calls started immediately after BC. I remember that clearly. The private server community also started to pick up back then due to the end of blizzard’s support of the product.

They just got louder the longer time went on and eventually players got what they were asking for.

The private server community, that to this day STILL stick to the original version of the game, certainly expected that their official server would be left alone, and not just pushed through the expansions again, but on a 14 year delay.

Blizzard is more than capable of running classic, TBC, and retail due to their minimal effort they would put into TBC, just like they are for classic.

Vanilla ice cream extremists.

I guess I’ll take your word for it, but as I’ve said to others about this type of stuff I find the idea that the old content was killing the game to be laughable in a post WoD world. I’m sure people started asking, but as to when it gained any real traction is another question.

I clearly remember making a post towards the end of Cata that if this was the product we’d get going forward that I’d be done with WoW, but in hindsight thinking Cata was the bottom is pretty funny to consider these days. I still don’t think it was a Blizzard quality expansion, but it had things going for it at least. And you can think Vanilla is the best they’ve ever delivered, but let’s not pretend that all expansions are equal offenders.

I find it very unlikely that Blizzard will force the push rather than enable character copying/transferring, but I also wouldn’t blame them if they did. They have the data to back up how popular the game was from Vanilla thru WoTLK, hell even Cata and MoP has better numbers than WoD and BFA had, and probably Legion too.

Let’s not bring Cata into this. Nobody wants that! Hehe

It’s not a MIGHT thing. Classic Vanilla will always be available since the whole project was done because of IP protection. It will stay online until the lawyers say they no longer need it. The fact it is actually making them money only further cemented that it isn’t going anywhere because it just doesn’t have the corporate lawyers behind it, it has the executives.


Then you came into this with unrealistic expectations as the Classic team stated this was going to be it.

It’s not going to be years, it’ll probably happen when naxx is out for 2 weeks.

They aren’t going to patch over the Classic servers with TBC. It’s just not going to happen. Which is exactly what I was referring to in the first place. Classic will be playable in some form, either by you moving somewhere else to keep playing Classic (less likely), or people moving off your server to a new one to play TBC (more likely).

Apparently you still don’t understand that concept.