If you don’t want TBC

Don’t play lol. If I see strawberry ice cream at the store, but I don’t like it, I’m not forced to buy it right? Same here… Just like you don’t play retail. Blizzard is a BUSINESS. TBC will net them millions and millions of dollars just like classic did. No one cares if you don’t want TBC, don’t play it. Whining like a entitled little child on the forums because life doesn’t go your way is utterly pathetic.


Also, before the first person says " I don’t want to be FORCED to play it."



You had to make a post about TBC ye? Another TBC cryCrycry thread absolutely no one cares about. Classic has not even seen its last phase nor was TBC officially announced yet so we talk about years before it even releases.

Christ people are such tools. Nobody cares, its coming yay! (or ney!, depending on your interest)… move on.


I just don’t want my chocolate ice cream to be turned into strawberry ice cream without my permission.


Would you rather we have another thread about Queues/AV Imbalance or some other benign thing? There’s nothing to discuss about Classic WoW, it’s released. Everything is a known quantity and all that’s going ‘wrong’ with it won’t be changed because it’s set in stone.

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im turning your vanilla into NTR

Classic GD is going to have a LOT of TBC posts from now on. And rightly so.
So these tbc haters will just have to learn to ignore the posts.


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I prefer topics that deal with the game in the specific sub section of the forums. You do not see me coming to the general bfa forums and talk about vanilla or Wrath of the lich king.

Ye we get it, TBC is coming. I just do not understand why every second post needs to be about it. It has nothing to do with classic and it is not even remotely near release so just move on.

There’s no TBC forum.

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So what about when it dies out real quick just like Vanilla did? It isn’t gonna net them millions. There’s a reason people are asking for further expansions. It’s BECAUSE Vanilla wasn’t meant to last as people wanted it to.

then discuss it in another section. Offtopic about games. Its not classic

Vanilla isn’t dead and it doubled their subscription numbers. That’s guaranteed millions in just the first month.


It’s significantly less popular than it used to be. It got old knowing all the metas.

The incoming tbc has been named classic: the burning crusade…
So yes, tbc is classic. Therefore discussions about tbc go in the classic GD section.
Don’t like it? Too bad lol :upside_down_face: xx


TBC is being released August of this year.

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TBC is inevitable, IMO, so yeah, it’s probably pointless to argue against it. But let’s not pretend that it won’t affect Classic. It’s going to completely gut Classic’s population and tear apart most guilds. There will be enough people left to merge into a handful servers and guilds will be able to reform, but the upheaval is going to be cataclysmic.


It was never mean to be the big event folks tried to make it so folks like you saying that means little. No rational thinking person thought Classic would force Retail to shut down or overtake it. We all knew there would be hype and that the hype would settle down. It hasn’t gotten old. It has become what those who wanted it knew it would become.

The folks who wanted Classic will still play Classic. The temps, visitors and sightseers will be gone is all. We knew this would happen.


I don’t want TBC. But i would like to see the TBC server release, then all the players who are not truly loving Classic can be gone which make a good news for me.


There’s a lot of black/white thinking going on here. I wanted classic. I just didn’t want classic and only classic forever and ever and ever. That I’m happy to move on to BC doesn’t mean I didn’t want classic and that it wasn’t fun for a while. Just as when Wrath comes out and I move to it, it won’t mean I didn’t want BC.

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