If you don’t like SL, it’s time to quit WoW

So…you really want that solo gameplaying experience, huh?
I got news.
Your sub won’t cover the cost for the game once you’re enjoying the silence you’ve requested. The better choice would be to ask players to stay and realize your words typed aren’t even close to being as influential as you think they are.


Well, people who has paid for the game and subscriptions deserves to be heared, and if their complains are good, also a fixed game.

For me… SL it really beautiful, but traveling, WQs and anima weeklies make go and farm old content instead of progressing with the covenant Campaign. Right now I’m not interested in raids or mythical, so can’t talk about gear.

At old expansions I was Good with land mounts while waiting or farming the Pathfinder, now, traveling from a point to other… Awful


Can’t remember or you never stated, what is preventing you from enjoying SL?

The other many words and references make me feel listened to though. Thanks.

Some else did provide some specifics that I will respond to.

This point was made in WoD and BfA. Both expansions I quit for a time. WoW survived. This point has been made since Vanilla?

If traveling annoyances bother you that much to overwhelm the rest of the fun of the game, maybe try another game. Travel is not as efficient, I agree, but it’s an after thought to all the things I have been doing in the game since release.

Do they pay you well? I hope so. You’re paying with your credibility and dignity.


Specifics, nice!

Can you recognize the challenge to make classes specs and covenants feel unique and different and at the same time feel relatively equal in strength?
Some classes pick one or two covenants, also depends on desired content. Everyone knew this would be a problem. But we waited. Hoped? Perfect equal representation is impossible, so what’s an acceptable amount of distribution for the classes? To me, as of now, it seems acceptable.
Switching isn’t easy or over punishing. Seems in the middle.

This is a min-max and patience issue. There is a consequence. Deal with it. You don’t have to be 100% immediately caught up, you are 19, sounds pretty good to me.

People and friends
Not a SL issue. This is a WoW and gaming issue. It’s also a you issue.
If you refuse to make friends join guild get on voice comms share battle tags and invest the time and energy to make it a more social experience, you expect Blizz to fix and provide all that for you?!
I never used comms in BfA but still had fun with most not all of my Mplus runs.
Have done comms with group of 5 in SL, was incredibly more fun. But took a little energy and time on my part. Not too much but some.
Find some like minded people and use raider IO to weed out bad players who ruin your Mplus experience.

And you’ve obviously missed my point altogether.
Regardless of what expansion is currently playing at a theater near you, advising people to leave just because your interpretation of their grievances is akin to your own experience and thusly you feel it would benefit them to follow your lead is folly.
Or, maybe instead of asking everyone to quit the game, maybe it is you who should quit the forums?


If, overall, you can’t have fun in SL, if the critiques you provide prevent you from having fun, then my point is WoW is not for you anymore. Any fans of the game can find a lot to have fun with, and understand the game has continually been iteratizing. SL is not perfect, but it is damn good. If you can not agree with that, then I do not believe you like the game in its fundamental mechanics.

For example: If flying through Orobos ruins all the fun for you, then you are not a reasonable person or you just don’t like WoW anymore.

This 1000 times over. The game isn’t perfect, but it’s definitely moving in the right direction. I haven’t had this much fun in a very long time.

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Is it Astroturfing Sunday already?

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Thank you. Did you know that people hat this game so much, are so over sensitive that they feel supressed if they can’t vent about minor problems with the game, despite sooo much that is good and improved, that they constantly flag my thread as inappropriate. Cancel culture. Makes me think of nefarious agents at work. No positive messages allowed.

“What, 90% of the game is great? But that 10%!!! Argh! Incompetant devs, no loot, waste of time, no flying, conduits covenants are not perfectly balanced and distributed among the classes. Argh! Dead game.”
“What you like the game! SIlence!”
“You are not 2k player, you dont mythic raid, you havent cleared Mythic 10s, worthless opinion that this game is fun.”
“Yes we are hardcore…but I hate this game! But I play it a lot more than you, but it sucks. I mean a lot more than you, but it really really starts to suck at my level!”


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My sub expires in 23 days and then I am out. The reward doesn’t even come close to the effort put in anymore.


You need to hate this game so badly. “People can not praise this game!”

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You mean rewards like BfA where loot rained from the sky? Then RNG on RNG on RNG on that loot. Bags full of loot.
This is much better.
The Great Vault helps a lot.
Should their be badges, maybe.

The Great Vault is a nerf from what we had in BfA.


RNG is based off of drop rates! It is HIGHLY adjustable you fool!

The issue of secondary stats and azerite traits and then corruption. That RNG. Did you play BfA. This was a big deal.

Good, so much loot dropped from Mplus that it was dumb to get gear via other paths. Pvpers had to gear up by spamming Mplus. Less loot from there puts more value on other sources of gear. Great vault guarentees weekly loot if you just raid. Never happened before. Same with Pvp.

What if, and hear me out now, there are people that still want to play this game, but they don’t like the design decisions the devs have been making. Are you saying that instead of giving feedback on that, which is why these forums exist, they should just quit instead?

I feel like if that’s what the devs wanted, these forums just… wouldn’t exist.