Tier in the past worked the same way, except you couldn’t create your own. Some pieces in the tier set gave bonuses and some didn’t, never have all the gear slots given a bonus.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say that’s not true. Nothing about any modern experience in WoE says “needs to understand basic principles”.
Heck things like reforging were removed because they were “too complicated”.
Raid finder has mechanics literally removed or irrelevant to make the encounter infinitely easier.
Dungeon difficulty for Heroics was sacked immensely because 70% of groups couldn’t complete them.
And there are many more examples of this.
WoW has gone out of it’s way to make the game more accessible ie easier.
The statement that people are expected to “have a brain and do things for themselves” is absolutely fallacious.
I don’t really care that people who have done the research or double check things understand the system only works in a certain way. The fact is that it has been advertised in a misleading manner and many people are confused.
That is quite simply poor design, otherwise we would never have had the issue right?
You should know that you have messed up the instant you have to put a disclaimer on your release notification. You shouldn’t have to say “so yeah, that part about tier gear, well that was only half true. Whilst all of the items are tier gear only 5 pieces actually contribute to your set bonus.”
That disclaimer instantly admits that the system is not intuitive, and that is the real problem. Again, not for me, but for the examples we have seen of people thinking every item contributes to a set bonus, or that they work like domination sockets and you only need one main tier and then 3 named pieces, or that the offset pieces are just the appropriate transmog piece from the raid not a completely new item named after the tier, or that any piece can be turned into one of the 5 tier slots regardless of original slot itemisation.
This is an MMO and you can’t have any expectation of what anyone’s background, knowledge, education, health, disabilities, or otherwise.
That is literally the biggest challenge of MMO’s, dealing with the vast levels of diversity that inhabit the same game structure.
Almost all of them. The bonus was only on the helm, shoulders, chest, hands and legs. Outside of Vanilla there are very few sets that had all items of the set go towards that bonus.
Like Vestments of the Faceless Shroud is a visual set that Blizzard created for the warlock. That includes everything, but the set bonus is only on the 5 primary gear slots.
When Blizzard says tier, it doesnt mean the set bonus, it means that tier of content of which the gear comes from and they make a set for each class. That set has a set bonus which is only on certain pieces.
I think the only reason why they dont label the boots bracers gloves cloaks and so on with something else is because those are shared between classes. Otherwise it would say “Classes: Paladin” as a requirement.
With the Catalyst they can give it the name because its for that class. The set bonus is still only on those 5 main slots.
Actually the opposite is true. All gear slots for tier have ALWAYS given the bonus. In vanilla, it didn’t matter which pieces you had, the bonuses triggered regardless of which combination of pieces you equipped. Same for every other tier set we’ve had.
But the Vestments of the Faceless Shroud IS ONLY those 5 pieces.
See for yourself:
https:/ /www.wowhead. com/item-set=1072/vestments-of-the-faceless-shroud
The rest of the transmog pieces for that aesthetic set isn’t “tier”.
No one has ever referred to a non system set within the same transmog set as “tier”.
“Gratz on your “tier” bracers that don’t give you a bonus.” - No. People just don’t refer to any piece as “tier” unless it contributes to the set - that’s why the reference I made above lists only the 5 pieces involved with the bonus.
Just look at what items give the set bonus… its not that hard.
If you are only counting the name, then yeah, but there was only 5 pieces of gear with the set piece, all the rest of the tier had to be used by other classes so they couldnt call it the set. They can now because no one else has access to the boots belonging to the class set with the name because it has a class requirement.
That doesnt change the items that have the set bonus on them. The set bonus items have been the same for 15 years. Why would hey change it now in 9.2?
Really? Show me where I could get Scourgelord set bonus outside of the Helm, Shoulders, Chest, Hands and Legs. Ill wait.
And no, its not just those 5 pieces. They didnt just design a visual set that is those 5 pieces. Want proof? Just look at the appearance tab under sets. Every set includes more than just those 5 pieces if it visually matches the set.
It is. It’s in black and white. " Scourgelord’s Battlegear is the Tier 10 Raid Set. It contains 5 pieces. Has set bonuses at 2 and 4 pieces." . " Vestments of the Faceless Shroud is the Tier 13 Raid Set. It contains 5 pieces."
Your opinion doesn’t magically override truth.
I’ll quote this from earlier since the irony is dripping.
I’ve already referenced where it states “5 pieces” in basic english. I’ll finish with:
I think you’re confusing a transmog set for a tier set.
In EVERY other tier set, EVERY piece of tier has worked for the bonus. Any other piece that is not tier but a part of the transmog set did not work for the bonus.
This isn’t “word theory” - its simply understanding the words.
They (transmog and tier) are 2 different things that overlap.
So the IC tier set is composed of 5 pieces (as I’ve already referenced) and the IC transmog set INCLUDES the TIER set, but also has other pieces that finish out the aesthetic.